Agenda item

2020/1041/FUL - Gothic Farm, Main Street, North Duffield, Selby


Application: 2020/1041/FUL

Location: Gothic Farm, Main Street, North Duffield, Selby

Proposal: Proposed conversion of existing agricultural building to 2no dwellings with garages and erection of 3no dwellings with garages following demolition of existing farm buildings


The Senior Planning Policy Officer presented the application which had been brought before Planning Committee as the proposal was contrary to the requirements of the Development Plan in that it did not strictly accord with the provisions of Policy SP2(c) of the Selby District Core Strategy, as the proposal included the erection of a dwelling outside the defined Development Limit of the settlement. However, the proposal would comply with all other relevant criteria, and it was considered that there were material considerations which would support the recommendation for approval.


Members noted that the application was for the proposed conversion of an existing agricultural building to 2no dwellings with garages and erection of 3no dwellings with garages following demolition of existing farm buildings.


The Committee asked if a tree survey had been undertaken and therefore if the impact on the countryside had been properly assessed. There was also some discussion around the preferred allocation of the site. Officers confirmed that a tree survey had not been done but that the trees listed on site would all be retained.


Bob Wells, North Duffield Parish Council was invited to speak at the meeting and expressed the Parish Council’s support for the application, subject to some issues of concern.


Leo Tindell, agent, was invited to speak at the meeting and spoke in favour of the application.


Members debated the application further, with Committee Members expressing their support for the scheme and the maintenance of the existing farmhouse on the site, but again raised concerns around the preservation of the existing trees. Whilst it could be acceptable to refuse the application as part of the site fell outside of development limits, there were also reasons why it would be acceptable to approve it, including the redevelopment of a farmstead in its setting, its situation on the village outskirts and the replacement of derelict buildings with practical ones. The proposals were of a good design and would accommodate any extension to the village in the future.


It was proposed by Members that Condition 03 should be amended to include the words ‘in writing’ as follows:


‘03. No development approved by this permission shall be commenced until the Local Planning Authority in consultation with the Internal Drainage Board has approved a Scheme for the provision of surface water drainage works in writing.’


The Committee also felt that affordable housing should be offered on such sites as this.


A query was raised regarding the potential inclusion of pavement by the developer on Back Lane; Officers explained that this did not constitute part of the application and as such was not appropriate for discussion.


Members asked whether a condition would be needed in writing to ensure that trees on site were not removed, despite assurances from the agent that they would not. The Legal Officer reminded Members that conditions had to be appropriate and enforceable. The Committee understood the importance of trees to the setting and character of the site and were unsure as to how the effect of the existing trees could be fully understood without a tree survey having been carried out; the retention of the site’s trees was important.


It was suggested that it be delegated to the Head of Planning, in conjunction with Officers, to draft and include an additional condition to ensure the retention and protection of the trees on the site from damage.


Members agreed with the proposal and as such it was accordingly proposed and seconded that the application should be GRANTED. A vote was taken and the application and was approved.



To GRANT the application subject to:


1.    the completion of a Unilateral Undertaking;


2.    the conditions set out at paragraph 7 of the report; and


3.    delegation to the Head of Planning, in conjunction with Officers, to draft and include an additional condition to ensure the retention and protection of the trees on site from damage.

Supporting documents: