Decision details

Better Together Legal

Decision Maker: Executive

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Councillor Crane, Leader of the Council presented the report which set out the results of the review of the current trial to integrate legal services as part of the ‘Better Together’ collaboration with North Yorkshire County Council (NYCC).


The Leader of the Council explained that the trial had been a success however improvement was needed in some areas. It was clarified that the Solicitor to the Council would continue to be employed directly by Selby District Council.


The Executive requested access to staff should be maintained at Selby and that there should be direct access to Legal Services at NYCC. It was also requested that Selby priorities should be given due care and attention.


The Solicitor to the Council explained that a presence would be maintained at Selby and access to legal services at NYCC would be agreed in the Service Level Agreement. It was also explained that there was regular dialogue with NYCC where the priorities of Selby would be discussed.


It was requested that there should be update report brought back to the Executive in 12 months to provide an update on progress. It was agreed to add this to the recommendations.




i)             To approve that with effect from 1 April 2018, there be a formal integration of SDC’s legal service with NYCC’s legal service;


ii)            To provide delegated authority to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Leader of Council to finalise the terms of the agreement with NYCC;


iii)           To authorise the Chief Executive to transfer the affected employees to North Yorkshire County Council under the Transfer of Undertakings Protection of Employment (TUPE) provisions.


iv)           To provide an update report to the Executive in 12 months.




To deliver service resilience and improvement, and operational efficiencies.

Publication date: 06/06/2018

Date of decision: 01/03/2018

Decided at meeting: 01/03/2018 - Executive

Effective from: 15/03/2018

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