Decision details

Covid-19 Emergency - Support for Selby District Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

Decision Maker: Leader of the Council

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


That the Council urgently enters into a contract for advice services to be provided to those Small and Medium Enterprises that meet the Council’s agreed eligibility criteria and that delegated authority be given to the Head of Economic Regeneration to agree the eligibility criteria to be included within the contract.





That as the matter is urgent, due to putting in place arrangements for Covid-19, the Leader agrees that:


i. the Council urgently enters into a contract with a specific provider, National Federation of Self Employed and Small Businesses Limited, Company Registration Number 01263540 whose registered office is at Sir Frank Whittle Way, Blackpool Business Park, Blackpool, FY4 2FE (“FSB”) not to exceed £20,000, for advice services to be provided to those SME’s that meet the Council’s agreed eligibility criteria; and


ii. delegated authority be given to the Head of Economic Regeneration to agree the eligibility criteria to be included within the Contract to seek to provide a balanced approach to the type of businesses, the sectors and their impact and contribution to employment, supply chain  and community related priorities.


Urgent item?: Yes

Publication date: 17/04/2020

Date of decision: 17/04/2020

Accompanying Documents: