Issue - meetings

Corporate Performance Report - Quarter 3 - 2017/18 (October to December)

Meeting: 01/03/2018 - Executive (Item 82)

82 Corporate Performance Report - Quarter 3 - 2017/18 (October to December) pdf icon PDF 392 KB

Report E/17/49 provides a progress update on delivery of the Council’s Corporate Plan 2015-20 as measured by a combination of progress against priority projects/high level actions; and performance against key performance indicators (KPIs).

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Councillor Crane, Leader of the Council presented the report that provided a progress update on delivery of the Council’s Corporate Plan 2015-20 as measured by a combination of: progress against priority projects/high level actions; and performance against key performance indicators (KPIs).


The Leader of the Council stated that very positive feedback had been received from a number of residents regarding staff undertaking waste collections in the recent difficult weather conditions. He also expressed his thanks for the work undertaken.


Concern was raised at the figures relating to the number of visits to Selby Leisure Centre and it was stated that work needed to be done with Inspiring Healthy Lifestyles to increase the figure. It was felt work needed to be done on the marketing and promoting both the Leisure Centre and Summit.


With regard to the staff survey, the Executive requested feedback on the responses provided by staff.


A query was raised on the average time to re let vacant properties. The Head of Operational Services explained that additional funding had been approved in the recent budget for extra resource in this area. It was also noted that when properties were made vacant, they tended to be in a poor condition and required work before they were made in a condition to be let.



                        To note and approve the reports.




To enable the Council to demonstrate progress on delivering the Corporate Plan Priorities to make Selby District a great place.