Issue - meetings
Preferred Options Consultation - Draft Selby District Local Plan
Meeting: 07/01/2021 - Executive (Item 60)
60 Preferred Options Local Plan Consultation Document PDF 274 KB
Report E/20/29 asks the Executive for approval for consultation to take place on the Preferred Options Local Plan.
Additional documents:
The Lead Executive Member for Place Shaping presented the report which asked the Executive for approval for consultation to take place on the Preferred Options Local Plan.
The Lead Executive Member for Place Shaping explained that the consultation document proposed a new spatial hierarchy and includes proposals for development on sites such as the brownfield element of Gascoigne Wood. In terms of the consultation, the Executive was informed that there would be restrictions due to Covid however the Council would be writing out to every household in the district to let them know about the proposals.
The Ward Councillor for Eggborough expressed concern regarding the proposals for Eggborough as it was felt the proposals were not sustainable for the area and that residents would be against the proposals. The Lead Executive Member for Place Shaping explained that the proposals were outlined due to Eggborough being well located with transport links alongside two major employment sites. It was stated that the proposals were part of the consultation document and residents would be able to submit their views.
The Executive was informed that it was important to look at different options regarding development proposals and that the Council had a district wide responsibility to carry out the consultation.
It was noted that there were errors in the report with respect of the description for the location of Hambleton and the number of schools in the Brayton area.
Officers were thanked for the excellent work on the Local Plan and in particular in progressing it quickly during a very challenging time.
i) To approve the Preferred Options Local Plan consultation document at Appendix 1 of this report for consultation in accordance with the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) regulations 2012 (as amended);
ii) To delegate to Officers the arrangements for the consultation to take place for six weeks between 29th January and 12th March 2021.
iii) To delegate to the Director of Economic Regeneration and Place, in consultation with the Lead Executive Member for Place Shaping, any minor amendments required to the documentation for typographical, grammatical and factual or Plain English purposes to the documents prior to publishing for consultation.
The approval of the Preferred Options Local Plan document for public consultation is needed in order to further progress the adoption of the Selby Local Plan.