Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Centre, Doncaster Road, Selby, YO8 9FT

Contact: Victoria Foreman  Email:


No. Item


Apologies for Absence

To receive apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors M Topping and N Reader.


Disclosures of Interest

A copy of the Register of Interest for each Selby District Councillor is available for inspection at


Councillors should declare to the meeting any disclosable pecuniary interest in any item of business on this agenda which is not already entered in their Register of Interests.


Councillors should leave the meeting and take no part in the consideration, discussion or vote on any matter in which they have a disclosable pecuniary interest.


Councillors should also declare any other interests. Having made the declaration, provided the other interest is not a disclosable pecuniary interest, the Councillor may stay in the meeting, speak and vote on that item of business.


If in doubt, Councillors are advised to seek advice from the Monitoring Officer.


Councillor K Arthur declared a personal interest in agenda item 9 – The portfolio report from the Executive Member for Communities and Economic Development – as he was an employee of Network Rail but was not required to leave the meeting during consideration thereof.






Minutes pdf icon PDF 483 KB

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meetings of the Council held on:


·      13 December 2022 (ordinary meeting, special meeting and extraordinary meeting); and


·      17 January 2023 (extraordinary meeting).


Additional documents:


The Council were asked to approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 13 December 2022 and 17 January 2023.



To approve the minutes of the Council meetings held on 13 December 2022 and 17 January 2023 for signing by the Chairman.




The Chairman, Leader of the Council or the Chief Executive will deal with any communications which need to be reported to the Council.


There were no communications.




To receive any announcements from the Chairman, Leader or Members of the Executive.


Under this item the Chairman and Vice Chairman will give their valedictory addresses and gifts will be presented.


The presentation of cheques to the Chairman’s charities, Long Covid Kids and Yorkshire Cancer Research, will be done at the end of the meeting. Kay Enion will receive the cheque for Yorkshire Cancer Research, and Freya Chilvers for Long Covid Kids.


The Chairman and Vice Chairman gave their valedictory addresses.


Retiring Chairman’s Valedictory Address


Councillor I Chilvers gave his valedictory address and remarked that he had greatly enjoyed his years serving the people of Selby and working with fellow Councillors.


The retiring Chairman was presented with a bottle of whiskey to mark his term of office as Chairman of the Council.


Retiring Vice Chairman’s Address


Councillor M Jordan gave his valedictory address and expressed his appreciation to the Chairman, Members, and Officers for their support. 


The retiring Vice Chairman was presented with a bottle of whiskey to mark his term of office as Vice Chairman of the Council.


The Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Council then presented cheques to the Chairman’s charities, Long Covid Kids and Yorkshire Cancer Research.


Kay Enion from Yorkshire Cancer Research and Freya Chilvers from Long Covid Kids were in attendance to accept the cheques. 



To receive any petitions.


There were no petitions.


Public Questions

To receive and answer questions, notice of which has been given in accordance with rule 10.1 of the Constitution.


There were no public questions.


Councillors' Questions

To receive and answer questions submitted by councillors in accordance with rule 11.2 of the Constitution.


There were no Councillors’ questions.


Reports from the Executive pdf icon PDF 135 KB

The Leader of the Council, and other members of the Executive, will report on their work since the last meeting of the Council and will respond to questions from Councillors on that work.


Please note that the Deputy Leader’s report will be to follow.

Additional documents:


Councillor Mark Crane, Leader of the Council


The Leader of the Council presented the update on the work he had undertaken recently, as outlined in the report.


The Leader took the opportunity to praise the Chief Executive for her dedication to her role, wished her all the best for the future, and as this was the final full meeting of Selby District Council (SDC), stated that it had been a pleasure and a privilege to work with her. 


Councillor Crane expressed his gratitude to the Members and Officers who had offered support to him over the 24 years that he had served on the Council, and further stated that although Members did not always agree, particularly in the case of political opponents, disagreements were always carried out in a polite and professional manner.


Reflecting on the achievements of the Council over those 24 years, it was highlighted that the joint Civic Centre and War Memorial Hospital, and the new Selby Leisure Centre had been hugely beneficial for the people of Selby.


There were no questions for The Leader.


Councillor Richard Musgrave, Deputy Leader of the Council and Lead Executive Member for Housing


The Deputy Leader of the Council presented his update as outlined in the report.


Councillor Musgrave commented that it had been an honour and a privilege to be Deputy Leader of the Council over the last four years.  He went on to thank officers for their guidance and support, and fellow Councillors for their robust challenge when required.


There were no questions for Councillor Musgrave.


Councillor Cliff Lunn, Lead Executive Member for Finance and Resources


The Lead Executive Member for Finance and Resources presented his update as outlined in the report.


Councillor Lunn offered his thanks to Officers and in particular the Chief Finance Officer.


There were no questions for Councillor Lunn.


Councillor David Buckle, Lead Executive Member for Communities and Economic Development


The Lead Executive Member for Communities and Economic Development presented his update as outlined in the report.

Councillor Buckle expressed his appreciation to both fellow Councillors and Officers for their support over his term in office at SDC.


There were no questions for Councillor Buckle.


Councillor Tim Grogan, Lead Executive Member for Health and Culture


The Lead Executive Member for Health and Culture presented his update as outlined in his report.


Councillor Grogan stated that he had served the Council both as an Officer and a Councillor.


There were no questions for Councillor Grogan.



                     To receive and note the reports of the Executive.


Reports from Committees pdf icon PDF 216 KB

To receive reports from the Council’s committees which need to be brought to the attention of Council. To receive questions and provide answers on any of those reports.

Additional documents:


Councillor Karl Arthur, Chairman of the Audit and Governance Committee


Councillor Arthur, Chairman of the Audit and Governance Committee, provided an update on the work of the Committee as outlined in his report.


Councillor Arthur stated that it had been a great privilege to serve on SDC and thanked all the Members who had sat on the Audit and Governance Committee over the years.


There were no questions for Councillor Arthur.


Councillor Chris Pearson, Chairman of the Policy Review Committee


Councillor Pearson, Chairman of the Policy Review Committee, provided an update on the work of the Committee as outlined in his report.


Councillor Pearson offered his appreciation to Officers for their support and stated that the 950 celebrations of Selby Abbey had been a highlight for the Selby district.


There were no questions for Councillor Pearson.


Councillor Steve Shaw-Wright, Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee


Councillor Shaw-Wright, Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, provided an update on the work of the Committee as outlined in his report.


There were no questions for Councillor Shaw-Wright.



                     To note the reports from Committees.



To consider any motions.


There were no motions.


Reflections of Selby District Council since 1974

Members are invited to reflect on Selby District Council since its inception in 1974 and speak should they so wish.


Members were invited to reflect on Selby District Council since its inception in 1974 and speak should they so wish.


The Leader of the Opposition stated that SDC had been formed 49 years ago following the Local Government Act 1974; he had served on the Council for twenty of those years and was honoured to have represented the people of Sherburn in Elmet.  Councillor Packham concurred with the Leader on the dedication and professionalism shown by the Chief Executive and hoped that all Members would work together under the new unitary North Yorkshire Council (NYC) for the benefit of the residents of Selby, to ensure that residents were not disadvantaged by the changes moving forwards.


Councillor Nichols shared her personal story, as she was born and bred in Selby and both her parents had been Members of the Council, therefore she had a very long association with SDC and had many anecdotes to share.  Finally, Councillor Nichols wished everyone well and asked that the Members on NYC remember those areas of deprivation in the Selby and Brotherton wards. 


Councillor Sweeting informed Members that he had been just 30 years of age when he was voted onto the Council, and he remembered and offered his thanks to past Councillors and Honorary Alderman who had mentored and supported him at that time.


Councillor Steve Shaw-Wright shared an interesting story regarding his early days as a Member on the Council and stated that Councillors exchanged good-natured, friendly banter and in this way a number of excellent projects had been achieved in the Selby district.


Councillor Duggan shared anecdotes with Members in relation to flooding in the area, global warming and his times as Chairman of the Council, and stated that when people worked together, they achieved great things. 


Councillor Brook reflected on his four-year journey as a Councillor and expressed his appreciation to Councillors Jordan, Buckle and Packham for their support, and stated that he felt that the Council had been well administered. 


Councillor Buckle spoke of his introduction to SDC and spoke of the two highlights of his terms of office; accepting the Yorkshire Council of the Year trophy on behalf of SDC, and the excellent 950 Selby Abbey celebrations.  Finally, Councillor Buckle stated that it had been a great pleasure to serve on the Council. 


Councillor Duckett informed Members, that along with Councillor Mackay, she was one of the longest serving Councillors at SDC and offered her gratitude to Councillor Nichols and Honorary Alderman Melanie Davis for their help and support.  Councillor Duckett also praised the Officers and proffered her appreciation to them.


Councillor Mackman expressed his appreciation to both the Chief Executive and Officers who, he felt, were a great credit to SDC, and then shared his experience in becoming a Councillor and praised past Councillors who had provided him with advice and support.


Councillor Jordan reflected on his journey to become a Councillor since moving to Sherburn in Elmet in 2004 and provided anecdotes from Committee meetings of Council  ...  view the full minutes text for item 63.


Urgent Action

The Chief Executive will report on any instances where she has acted in urgent or emergency situations under the functions delegated to her in the Constitution.


There were no urgent actions to report.


The Chief Executive commented on how lovely it was to see the final meeting of Council so well attended, and thanked Members for the respect that they showed each other, which was exemplary.


The Chief Executive stated that she was very proud to be the Chief Executive of Selby District Council, and gave her thanks to the Leader of the Council, all Members and Officers.   


The Chairman presented the Chief Executive with a gift to mark her leaving the Council. 


Before the meeting ended, the Chairman explained that Members would be contacted soon by Democratic Services about the return of their IT kit and lanyards to the Council, and that there would be a buffet and raffle in the foyer.