Agenda item

Application for a vehicle to be licensed as a Private Hire Vehicle, which is contrary to Selby’s Taxi Licensing Policy, and for a Discreet Plate

To receive a report, which asks the Committee to consider an application for a vehicle to be licenced as a Private Hire Vehicle; and for a Discreet Plate for that vehicle.



The Licensing Manager presented the report, which asked the Committee to consider an application for a vehicle to be licensed as a Private Hire vehicle, and should the application be approved, a further application for a discreet plate for that vehicle.


It was explained that the application had been brought before the Committee due to the application being contrary to Selby District Council’s Taxi Licensing Policy 2022, which stated that any vehicle licensed for the first time should be under the age of five years.  Members noted that the car to be licensed was eight years old.


Members attention was drawn to an email which had been circulated by the Democratic Services Officer prior to the meeting, in relation to the new North Yorkshire Council (NYC) Taxi Licensing Policy which would come into effect from the 1 April 2023.  The NYC Taxi Licensing Policy stated that any new application made in respect of any suitable vehicle should be under the age of ten years. 


The applicant and their partner were present and confirmed that they had received a copy of the report to be considered, and the procedure that would be followed at the meeting.


The applicant and their partner were able to respond to questions asked by the Committee concerning the report.The applicant, their partner and the Licensing Manager left the meeting at this point and did not return.


It was proposed and seconded that both applications for a Private Hire vehicle licence, and a discreet plate be deferred. A vote was taken on the proposal and was carried.



To defer the applications for a Private Hire vehicle licence, and a discreet plate.


Reason for decision:

The Committee deferred both applications as they did not feel that the applicant had provided the Committee with a satisfactory reason to depart from Selby District Council’s Taxi Licensing Policy.

Supporting documents: