Agenda item

Community Development Plan

To consider progress and developments related to the Central CEF Community Development Plan.


The Development Officer presented the Community Development Plan (CDP) which had been published with the agenda.


The Board noted that there were still gaps on the CDP for CEF leads. Members discussed the CDP and made the following points:


·           Work with Councillor Karl Arthur was continuing on this project, including mentoring schemes and early intervention to prevent ASB.


·           Selby’s Youth Council had submitted the application for a Friendship Café, showing that work on youth provision was moving in the right direction.


·           Tony Wray had volunteered to help the young people running the soup kitchen with aspects of the project in which they needed some support and training, such as customer service.


·           Councillor Judith Chilvers and Michael Dyson had taken the lead on the project to reinvigorate Selby Park. Some concerns had been raised about the recent questionnaire on the park circulated by IHL and the perceived lack of action on the project.


·           The Development Officer explained that work had been ongoing with the Communities team at Selby on the park regeneration; IHL were going to submit a funding application in the near future to get the area where the old greenhouses were back into use. The Board emphasised about the ongoing involvement of the CEF in the park project.


·           A query was also raised about children’s swings in the park which had been removed whilst resurfacing work was undertaken, and the maintenance of the outdoor gym equipment. The Board queried when the swings would be re-hung and who had responsibility for the gym equipment, and asked the Democratic Services Officer to follow these queries up with the Contracts Team and update the Board when responses had been received.


·           The Development Officer emphasised that the CEF leads for the projects in the CDP needed to be proactive and lead the projects themselves.


·           The Board noted that more volunteers were required for the Community Speed Watch project being led by Tony Wray; Board Members were asked to send their details to the Democratic Services Officer who would collate the details before sending them to the Police speed watch co-ordinator. Keith Watkins volunteered at this point.


·           The Development Officer explained that the Team Up to Clean Up projects had not yet commenced, but would be doing so in Spring 2019.


·           Brayton Parish Council had been in contact with the Development Officer about a local footpath that required tidying up. It was proving difficult to find out who owned the footpath, but in the interim the Parish Council had resolved to keep up the maintenance of the footpath once the initial clearing work had been done. 


·           Quotes had been obtained for the work at Marsh Lane, and a number of veterans had been identified that required assistance with their gardens.


·           The waterfront garden project with the Civic Society was discussed with some Board Members querying when it would begin; the Development Officer agreed to meet with Board Members about this and discuss the agreed timescales for the work. It was suggested that local schools or youth groups could be involved in the bulb planting element of the project.


·           Board Members noted that there was no update to report on the Window to the Past Project as yet.


·           Flood resilience and how the CEF could realistically achieve outcomes through CDP projects was discussed by the Board. It was suggested by the Development Officer that the CEF could contribute to flood preparedness and helping to inform local residents with simple tips for coping with the threat of flooding.


·           The Veteran woodworking project was progressing; the Development Officer would be meeting with Aimi Brookes from the Contracts Team at Selby to take this forward; it was noted that more support for veterans was needed in the Selby area.


·           The Board acknowledged that the sheds project (3.4 in the CDP) still required a CEF lead; however, it was possible that the project could be stalled due to the regeneration work already being undertaken in the park by Selby District Council.


·           Tony Wray volunteered as CEF lead for project 3.5 – Barlow Football Field.


·           In relation to the passing places project on East Common Lane in Barlow, there was agreement that something needed to be done and that a possible funding source had been identified. The Board were informed however that the creation of passing places depended on a number of factors decided by Highways at NYCC; unless there was a recorded history (in the past 3 years) of collisions, it would be difficult to evidence the need for such passing places. An alternative suggestion to the Board was to look into making the road one-way. The Board noted that access was already restricted for heavy good vehicles.



i.              To note the updates to the Community Development Plan.


ii.            To ask the Democratic Services Officer to contact Aimee Brookes in the Contracts Team about the replacement of swings and maintenance of outdoor gym equipment in Selby Park.


iii.           To ask Board Members to volunteer for the Community Speed Watch scheme and forward their details to the Democratic Services Officer for collation.


iv.           To ask Board members to contact the Development Officer by email to put themselves forward as the CEF leads for the remaining CDP projects.


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