Agenda item

Reports from the Executive

The Leader of the Council, and other members of the Executive, will report on their work since the last meeting of the Council and will respond to questions from Councillors on that work.


Councillor M Crane, Leader of the Council


The Leader of the Council presented his update on the work he had recently undertaken, as outlined in his report.


Concern was raised that the free parking offered to shoppers for Christmas had been filled by those working nearby and not shoppers.


A query was raised regarding whether the changes to green waste recycling credits would lead to a charge being introduced for green waste. The Leader of the Council explained that the money would be used to pay North Yorkshire County Council (NYCC) for the loss of recycling credits and that there was no plan to introduce a charge for green waste which made the Council the only authority in North Yorkshire not to have such a charge.


Councillor J Mackman, Deputy Leader of the Council and Executive Lead Member for Place Shaping


The Leader of the Council on behalf of Councillor Mackman, Deputy Leader of the Council and Lead Executive Member for Place Shaping, provided an update on the work he had recently undertaken, as outlined in his report.


A query was raised around the figures for planning appeals outlined in the update as it mentioned six appeals however noted the results for seven. It was agreed the exact figure would be clarified.


In response to a query concerning whether the Council had held discussions regarding upgrading junction 34 on the M62, the Leader of the Council informed Council that discussions had been held with NYCC about junction 34 and other discussions had been held with East Riding Council about placing a new junction on the M62 which would serve the Selby area and had the potential to create extra jobs.


With regard to the planning enforcement management plan, it was a requested that a member briefing be held on this. The Leader of the Council agreed to organise a member briefing in the New Year and explained that the number of planning enforcement cases had reduced and that the Council was challenging people who had demonstrated for planning law.


A query was raised around the number of parking spots allocated for the property development in Ousegate. The Leader of the Council explained that no parking spots had been allocated for these properties and this had been stated in the planning application that had been approved by the Planning Committee. It was agreed to pass on concerns to the planning officers about the lack of parking for this development.


Councillor C Lunn, Lead Executive Member for Finance and Resources  


Councillor Lunn, Lead Executive Member for Finance and Resources presented his update on the work he had recently undertaken, as outlined in his report.


The Lead Executive Member for Finance and Resources explained that since the update was written, the Council had received details of the Local Government Finance Settlement which had been positive for Selby with funding for the New Homes Bonus, approval for the Business Rates pilot scheme and the rural grant maintained at 2018/19 levels.


In response to a query concerning the use of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) monies, the Lead Executive Member for Finance and Resources explained that there was approximately £1m of CIL funding with 15% of this going to parishes and 5% being used for administration. The monies were split according to the CIL 123 list and with aspects of funding such as GP surgeries and dentists being considered.


In response to a query concerning the National Non-Domestic Rates Discretionary Rate Relief Scheme, the Lead Executive Member for Finance and Resources confirmed the Council’s policy had not changed on this.


Councillor C Metcalfe, Executive Lead Member for Communities and Economic Development


Councillor Metcalfe, Lead Executive Member for Communities and Economic Development provided an update on the work he had recently undertaken, as outlined in his report.


A query was raised around the strategic employment sites and whether these were aligned with the work considered by the Better Together Joint Members Group and whether the Council was considering a long term policy on these sites. The Lead Executive Member for Communities and Economic Development explained that a workshop had been held about identifying sites and issues. The Council was informed that growth had taken place across the district without the necessary infrastructure therefore discussions had been held about aligning these two factors.


The Lead Executive Member for Communities and Economic Development explained that at the last Business Forum, an issue had been raised about having a lorry park for Sherburn and information had been provided by the relevant Executive member of NYCC that a site had been identified however this was currently held in the green belt.


Councillor C Pearson, Executive Lead Member for Housing, Health and Culture


Councillor Pearson, Lead Executive Member for Housing, Health and Culture, provide an update on the work he had recently undertaken, as outlined in his report.


In response to queries regarding empty properties, the Lead Executive Member for Housing, Health and Culture explained that the Council did not have to wait for a complaint for an empty property before they commenced any action and that there were currently 562 empty properties in the district.


In response to a query concerning who would be funding the removal of the speed humps on Gowthorpe for the Tour de Yorkshire, the Lead Executive Member for Housing, Health and Culture stated that these would be funded by the Tour de Yorkshire Group. A further query was raised regarding the breakdown of costs for hosting the Tour de Yorkshire. It was agreed these would be provided to Members. Additionally, it was acknowledged that the Tour de Yorkshire fell on the same day as the local and parish election. The Chief Executive informed Council that work was being undertaken to ensure there was minimum disruption to the election.


In response to a query concerning the funding for the UCI Work Road Race Championships and Para Cycle event, the Director of Economic Regeneration and Place explained that the Council would be working with Parish Councils, local schools and businesses to ensure the maximum benefit from the event was achieved. In response to a further query concerning the costs for the work, it was explained that it had not been currently confirmed how resources would be spent however once this had been done, it would be passed to Members.



To receive and note the reports from the Executive.






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