Agenda item

North Yorkshire Police and North Yorkshire Police, Fire and Crime Panel

Chief Inspector Rachel Wood and Councillor Carl Les, Chair of the North Yorkshire Police and Crime Panel, will be in attendance at the meeting to answer Members’ questions on policing in Selby District and across the wider area.


A report on the work of the Police, Fire and Crime Panel is attached.


The Chair welcomed Chief Inspector Rachel Wood and Inspector Yvonne Taylor, North Yorkshire Police to discuss operational policing issues in Selby and Councillor Carl Les, Chairman of the North Yorkshire Police, Fire and Crime Panel and Diane Parsons, Support to the Police, Fire and Crime Panel to discuss the work of the Panel.    


Chief Inspector Rachel Wood and Inspector Yvonne Taylor provided the following update regarding operational policing in Selby:


·         There would be a change to the staffing arrangements for neighbourhood policing in Selby with Inspector Martin Wedgewood replacing Inspector Ian McNiff. Additionally, it was explained that a refresh of the neighbourhood teams was being considered which would look at how policing could be done in a more effective way. The Committee was informed that it was hoped the new arrangements would be in place from February 2019.


·         There had been a general increase in crime compared to the previous year and it was explained that was linked to the better recording of crime. In terms of specific crimes, there had been a general increase in dwelling burglary however a burglary co-ordinator had been appointed which had made an impact in addressing this issue.


·         There had been numerous operations conducted on inquisitive crime including on cross border crime. It was explained there had also been new rural watch schemes introduced.


·         There had been a 20% reduction in anti-social behaviour in the Selby district. It was noted that there were pockets of anti-social behaviour and work was being done with partners to tackle this issue. The Committee was informed that work was also being done to look at the prevention of crime and to protect those vulnerable from crime.


·         Crime updates for the Selby Inner area included work being done to tackle drug dealing in Selby Town and vehicle offences at the three lakes retail park.


·         With regard to the Selby North area, there had been a small increase in crime in October and November with this believed to be offenders from the West Yorkshire area and specifically relating to the burglary of shops. The Committee was informed that two people had been identified and arrested.


·         In relation to Tadcaster, there had been an increase in crime due to one individual who had mental health issues. The Committee was informed that the local beat officers had completed regular visits in the area and work had been done at looking at the CCTV for the area with the Town Council. Additionally, it was explained that meetings had taken place with rural watch in Appleton Roebuck in terms of working with farmers on joint patrols.


·         With regard to Selby South, there had been incidents of anti-social behaviour in Eggborough and a residents meeting had been held to discuss this where residents had been encouraged to report all incidents to the Police. It was noted that 41 young people had been identified as being involved and letters had been sent the parents of these people. The Chief Inspector explained that the Police had attended the last Parish Council meeting where the reduction in incidents and the measures put in place had been received positively. Additionally, it was explained that there had been incidents of gangs on mopeds in Kirk Smeaton however people had been arrested for this.


The following discussion took place by the Committee:


·         Discussion took place in relation to CCTV in areas and it was felt this was the responsibility of the District Council rather than Parish or Town Councils. It was noted that in Sherburn, the Town Council had agreed to fund a new CCTV system due to them having their own property in the area.


·         Concern was raised that cross border drugs coming into Selby was an issue with people turning up two to three times a day to sell drugs. The Chief Inspector explained that drugs were an issue everywhere and it was important to keep reporting all incidents to the Police.


·         Discussion took place on parking problems outside schools. The Chief Inspector stated she would feed this issue to the Parking Co-Ordinator at North Yorkshire County Council.


·         Discussion took place on Police resources on duty and the Committee was informed that resources were a challenge however the Police did their best to ensure an effective service was provided.


·         In response to a query concerning the 101 service, the Committee was informed that more resources were being invested into the service.


Councillor Carl Less and Diane Parsons provided the following update regarding the work of the Police, Fire and Crime Panel:


·         The Chair of the Police, Fire and Crime Panel explained the make-up of the Panel and outlined some of the work carried out by the Panel this year which included considering the Police and Crime Commissioner’s (PCC’s) crime plan and with agreeing the precept proposed by the PCC.


·         It was explained that the Panel had approved the appointment of a new Chief Constable and new Director of Finance which would be shared between the Police and Fire Service.


·         The Committee was informed that the PCC would be taking over the running of the Fire Service and that the majority of the authorities in North Yorkshire had disagreed with this decision. It was noted that due to the takeover, the Panel had become the Police, Fire and Crime Panel.


·         The Panel also dealt with complaints about the Police, Fire and Crime Panel however were not able to consider complaints about operational policing issues but could pass on any views to the PCC.


·         In terms of other areas being considered by the Panel, this had included the 101 service, wildlife crime, due to North Yorkshire being the worst area for wildlife crime and the sale of the Police headquarters at Newby Wiske.


The following discussion took place by the Committee:


·         A query was raised whether the PCC would be getting more staff now that she had assumed control of the Fire Service. The Chair of the Police, Fire and Crime Panel stated that the PCC had expressed that she did not need any more staff despite taking on additional responsibility. It was noted that she would be assuming operational control of the Fire Service whereas she did not have operational control of the Police Service.


·         The Committee was informed that the PCC would be taking on the responsibility of handling Police complaints and that additional staff would be taken on due to this. It was noted that once the report on this was available, this would be circulated to the Committee.


·         A query was raised around the arrangements for custody transport. It was explained that due to the closures of local stations, officers had to transport offenders to other stations for custody arrangements which then took resources away from local areas. Discussion took place on whether stations with custody arrangements could meet officers half way on the route when transporting people. It was agreed the issue of custody arrangements would be raised by the Panel with the PCC.


·         The Committee felt the street wardens service which used to be operational in the town centre of Selby had proved to be beneficial in assisting people who were out in the evenings and it was felt that this service should be reintroduced. It was agreed this would be raised by the Panel with the PCC. Additionally, it was noted that some venues had started employing their own night marshalls to assist people who were out in the evenings.



To pass on the Committee’s comments regarding operational policing and issues for the Police, Fire and Crime Panel to consider as stated above. 

Supporting documents: