Agenda item

Community Development Plan

To consider progress and developments related to the Central CEF Community Development Plan.


The Operations Director for Groundwork, who was overseeing the work of the Central CEF until a new Development Officer joins the organisation in April, presented the Community Development Plan (CDP) which had been published with the agenda.


The Board discussed the CDP and made the following points:


·                2.1 - Further communications work should be undertaken on the Team Up to Clean Up Projects with the Council’s Communications Team; the Operations Director confirmed that he would follow this up.


·                1.2 – Network Rail had been approached regarding the installation of a handrail alongside the footpath, but no response had been received from them as yet; it was suggested that the Operations Director consult with the Council’s Head of Community, Partnerships and Customers to ask for alternative contacts at Network Rail.


·                1.4 – It was confirmed that fly-tipping was an ongoing problem and that the Council’s assistance was required to clean up the latest load that had been dumped. Contact would be made with Dominic Richardson in the Council’s Housing Team to liaise about the issue.


·                1.5 – Cllr Steve Shaw-Wright had met with David Lewis and were beginning to identify smaller windows around Selby for the project, which was progressing.


·                2.1 – The attendance of the Environment Agency and Internal Drainage Board at the last Forum in December was noted, and the Board felt that there was an acceptable level of help available to people regarding flooding, flood planning and flood resilience should they need it, i.e. the Environment Agency, Drainage Board, Selby District Council, North Yorkshire County Council. Some Board Members felt that it would be useful for there to be a representative from Selby on the York Flood Group, and that an emergency planning exercise for flooding would identify any weaknesses in the local response. Councillors S Duckett and B Marshall would continue to identify any further actions required on this project.


·                2.2 – An update had been provided on this project by Councillor K Arthur before the meeting; the Friendship Café was moving forward despite the first session being delayed due to a reorganisation at North Yorkshire County Council and the support for the Youth Council being redeployed. The Board were pleased to note that Bryony from Selby Big Local had stepped in and would be supporting the Youth Council moving forward.


The Board noted Councillor Arthur’s proposal for a Selby District Council’s Chairman’s Award to acknowledge the positive actions of young people; the Operations Director would be speaking to the Leader of the Council about developing this idea.


3.2 – Dates had been identified for the Picnic Brass events throughout the summer, starting in May and concluding in August. It was hoped that the events would encourage people to come and use the park, and bring the community together alongside the Selby 950 celebrations.


The Board emphasised the importance of the Central CEF being identified and promoted as the body that had funded the Picnic Brass events.


3.3 and 3.4 – There had been no development of the Veteran Woodworking and ‘Men in Garden Shed’ projects; however, it was suggested something similar could be piloted in a school or college in Selby to gauge levels of interest. Councillors Lunn and Steve Shaw-Wright agreed to speak to representatives at Selby College about the projects.


3.5 – The Board noted that the Chairman of Barlow Parish Council had agreed to work on this with Tony Wray.


4.1 – A sufficient number of volunteers had now put themselves forward for the Community Speed Watch project; the plan was to start in Barlow, and then move across the Central CEF area. Further volunteers were asked to let Tony Wray know that they wished to be involved.


4.2 – Barlow Parish Council had accepted Tony Wray’s suggestions as to where any potential passing places should be; Selby Town Council had also agreed and would be contributing some of its CIL monies for the project. The next step for the project was to take the proposals to North Yorkshire County Council Highways.



                        To note the updates to the Community Development Plan.





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