Agenda item

Review of Future Options for Fleet Replacement

Report E/18/47 sets out the Council’s options for the future waste and recycling service following the extension of the existing collection contract with Amey Plc from April 2017. 


The Lead Executive Member for Housing, Health and Culture presented the report which set out the Council’s options for the future waste and recycling service following the extension of the existing collection contract with Amey Plc from April 2017.


The Lead Executive Member for Housing, Health and Culture highlighted the following points:


  • Since the previous discussion with the Executive, the Government had released a 25 year waste strategy with a primary outcome of reducing waste to landfill to less than 10% by 2035.  It was noted that the recommendations within the report if approved will help the Council deliver the waste strategy whilst also mitigating against future cost increases.


  • In addition to the waste strategy North Yorkshire County Council has commissioned a consultancy to review the operation of the Allerton Waste Recovery Park to help deliver the waste strategy. Initial indications are positive and are likely to require changes to the collection services which the recommendation in the report also supported.


  • The primary driver for the service review was that the existing collection fleet is coming to the end of its life following a previous lease extension from 7 to 10 years.  To ensure Amey Plc are able to procure a replacement fleet a decision was required to standardise the fleet with rear loading vehicles and book build slots with suppliers.


Discussion took place on the proposals. It was noted that Amey Plc were currently up for sale at the moment however that did not affect the recommendations outlined in the report.


The Executive acknowledged that the most common complaints from residents concerning the current recycling service was on the recycling boxes being moved around in severe weather and that the problems encountered by the current refuse vehicles when manoeuvring on certain roads in the district. The Executive were in agreement of the recommendations which would assist in solving these issues.


With regard to the consultation to be carried out, the Executive stated that they wished for residents to be informed regarding how much each of the options would cost and in addition the cost implications for improving the service.




i)             To provide Amey plc with a letter of commitment to enable the placing of orders for new vehicles for fleet replacement with standard rear loading vehicles with operational effect from April 2020.


ii)            To approve a public consultation exercise is undertaken in the summer to inform future waste and recycling containment and collection services from April 2020.


iii)           To ensure that the potential financial implications be factored into the next refresh of the Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy.   




The contract extension in March 2017 required the current collection fleet to be operated beyond the 7 years within the original contract to a maximum of 10 years by March 2020. It is accepted by the industry that waste vehicles maximum operational productive life is 10 years. The review of the recycling service presents a strategic service and investment opportunity to standardise the collection fleet, improve operational delivery and address negative customer feedback about the current recycling service.


Implications for future recycling collections following the recent publication of the Government’s Waste Strategy 2018 and the launch of Our Paper (an initiative working with WRAP and the Confederation of Paper Industries to encourage Council’s to provide separate collections of paper and cardboard) will also be addressed by implementing the recycling option recommended.


Supporting documents: