Agenda item

2018/0673/OUTM - Leeds East Airport, Busk Lane, Church Fenton


Application: 2018/0673/OUTM

Location: Leeds East Airport, Busk Lane, Church Fenton

Proposal: Hybrid application for (1) Full planning permission for the erection of a building for creative, digital and media use and associated works, including parking, servicing and access; and permanent change of use of existing buildings to commercial TV and film studios and associated services and activities; and (2) Outline planning permission, with means of access to be considered, for the development of a creative, digital and media industries employment park and film studios (including A1, A3, D1 and C1 use class buildings), open space, landscaping, car parking and ancillary works


The Principal Planning Officer presented the application which had been brought to Planning Committee as it was a departure from the Development Plan and there were material considerations which would support the recommendation for approval.


The Committee noted that it was a hybrid application for (1) Full planning permission for the erection of a building for creative, digital and media use and associated works, including parking, servicing and access; and permanent change of use of existing buildings to commercial TV and film studios and associated services and activities; and (2) Outline planning permission, with means of access to be considered, for the development of a creative, digital and media industries employment park and film studios (including A1, A3, D1 and C1 use class buildings), open space, landscaping, car parking and ancillary works.


In relation to the officer update note, the Committee acknowledged that since the agenda had been published, additional information relating to Church Fenton Yorkshire Studios’ existing use and operation, the potential for the future and specific Inward Investment opportunities and learning and skills development had been received from the applicant.


Additional letters of support had also been received from the Vice Chancellor of York St John University, the Principal and Chief Executive of Selby College, the Principal and Chief Executive of York College and business who worked in the creative industries sector and who had moved to the site from smaller premises in Tadcaster and Sherburn in Elmet.


Ulleskelf Parish Council had confirmed their support for the development but reiterated concerns relating to the lack of footpaths between the village and application site. Concerns regarding the capacity of the local road network had been considered by the Highway Authority which had concluded that the impact of the development on the highway network could be mitigated where necessary.


Paragraph 4.47 of the report considered the impact of the development on the Scheduled Ancient Monument located within the site not to be significant. Officers considered that the benefits arising from the heritage asset being sensitively handled and better understood and appreciated outweighs the less than substantial harm to the significance of the designated asset. The requirements of paragraph 196 of the NPPF had therefore been satisfied.


Lastly, formatting errors in the report means that paragraphs 4.30 to 4.34 should be preceded by the heading ‘Landscape, design and visual impact’ and paragraphs 4.40 to 4.42 preceded by the heading ‘Impact on residential amenity’.


Members asked a number of questions on various aspects of the application, including clarification around which parts of the site were for full or outline permission, any effects on the continuing use of the rest of the airport site as an aerodrome, the assessment of the site as previously developed land, and the number of local jobs it was anticipated would be created by the development.


Chris Calvert agent, spoke in support of the application.


Members expressed support for the application which represented the development of a major brownfield site in the district. The scheme would deliver highly skilled and well paid jobs for local people.


Members expressed some concern around the provision of local infrastructure in the area and the effect the development would have on the capacity of local roads and the need for housing, and emphasised the importance of revising the Council’s Local Plan. However, it was agreed that overall this was a positive scheme for Selby District and should be approved.


It was proposed and seconded that the application be approved.



i.          The Committee were MINDED TO APPROVE the application subject to the terms of the planning obligation described at paragraphs 4.23 – 4.29 of the report and the conditions set out at paragraph 6 of the report.


ii.         To authorise officers to refer the application to the Secretary of State under the Town and Country Planning (Consultation) (England) Direction 2009 with the Committee’s resolution to support it.


iii.       To delegate to the Planning Development Manager, in the event that the application was not called in by the Secretary of State, to approve the application upon conclusion of the planning obligation under Section 106 of the Act in line with the terms set out in paragraphs 4.23 - 4.29 above, and subject to the imposition of the schedule of conditions set out at paragraph 6 of the report. The delegation would include the alteration, addition or removal of conditions from the schedule if amendment became necessary as a result of continuing negotiations and advice, and provided such condition(s) met the six tests for the imposition of conditions and satisfactorily reflected the wishes of Committee.


iv.       To note that in the event that the application was called in for the Secretary of State’s own determination, a further report would come to Committee.



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