Agenda item

Financial Results and Budget Exceptions Report to 30 September – S/17/9

The Scrutiny Committee is asked to note the contents of the report and make any comments on the Council’s financial results and budget exceptions.


The Head of Finance introduced the report which asked the Committee to note the contents and make any comments on the Council’s financial results and budget exceptions.


The Committee noted that at the end of quarter 2, the full year forecast for the General Fund showed an estimated surplus of (£146k) ((£32.5k) quarter 1) and the HRA an estimated surplus of (£378k) ((£379k) quarter 1) against the approved budget.


Members noted that planned savings for the year had already been achieved in the HRA. A number of General Fund savings had also been achieved in Q2, but there was still a further £51k of savings to be achieved in the remaining part of the year.


The Head of Finance explained that the capital programme was currently forecasting an underspend of £2.05m, £0.48m on the General Fund programme and £1.57m on the HRA programme.


The Committee understood that the Programme for Growth 3 was established as part of the budget setting process last year. A report was taken to Executive on 7 September 2017 and to Overview and Scrutiny on 28 September 2017 which provided a detailed view on the progress of P4G3. The Tour De Yorkshire event had taken place in April and work had begun on the strategic sites and progress made on the Visitor Economy, Healthy Living, Retail Experience STEP and grants to the Housing Trust.


Members asked if an impact report on the effect of the Tour de Yorkshire Event on Selby District could be bought to the Committee for consideration. Officers confirmed that Welcome to Yorkshire had produced a high-level impact report for the whole county which could be considered by the Committee, as could some work that had been done with businesses and traders at a more local level in Selby District.


The Committee understood that some traders in Tadcaster were still struggling and it was reported that some business had even seen a fall in profits as a result of the Tour de Yorkshire.


Members raised the issue of access to employment in the District, particularly around matching local job-seekers to local jobs in areas such as Sherburn; it was felt that more could be done to ensure that the jobs in the District were available to local people.


Transport for employment was also an area of concern for the Committee; Officers confirmed that discussions were underway with North Yorkshire County Council on the matter, but that there were issues around the sustainability of transport in the area and the willingness of bus companies to operate routes that were not seen as viable.


Members also queried the delay to the upgrades to the Lifeline system at St Wilfrid’s Court; Officers confirmed that reasons for the delay would be explored and sent to the Committee after the meeting.



i) To note the contents of the report.


ii)          That a report on the impact of the Tour de Yorkshire on Selby District and its businesses be bought to the Committee at a later date.


iii)        That reasons for the delay to upgrades of the Lifeline System at St Wilfrid’s Court be explored and sent to the Committee after the meeting.


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