Agenda item

Housing Development Programme 2017-20

Report E/17/43 asks the Executive to approve a revised Housing Development Programme that seeks to provide 207 affordable homes for Selby District Council (SDC) and Selby District Housing Trust (SDHT) by 31March 2020.


Councillor Musgrave, Lead Executive Member for Housing, Leisure, Health and Culture presented the report that asked the Executive to approve a revised Housing Development Programme that sought to provide 207 affordable homes by 31 March 2020.


The Lead Executive Member for Housing, Leisure, Health and Culture explained that the programme was the second phase of homes delivery with the end date of the programme being March 2020.


The Lead Executive Member for Housing, Leisure, Health and Culture proposed an additional recommendation to those in the report to support the release of land to self-builders and custom builders.


In response to a query concerning outcomes, the Lead Executive Member for Housing, Leisure, Health and Culture explained that the programme would speed up the process for delivery and allow greater flexibility. It was also noted that the programme resulted in a £22m investment in the district.


It was felt that there needed to be discussions on the details of the programme between the Council and the Selby District Housing Trust. It was also stated that there needed to be a view from the Trust on its ambition in delivering the programme.


It was proposed and seconded to agree the recommendations in the report alongside the additional recommendation outlined by the Lead Executive Member for Housing, Leisure, Health and Culture.



i)             To approve the revised Housing Development Programme as set out in the report;


ii)            To note the additional budget and funding requirements and approve their inclusion in the draft budget proposals to be considered by the Executive in February;


iii)           That the Council’s Chief Finance Officer, in consultation with the Lead Councillor for Finance and Resources, be granted delegated authority to approve loan funding, and the terms and conditions of the loan agreement, from Selby District Council to the Selby District Housing Trust to enable to acquisition of Section 106 properties on the following basis:


a.    That the approved investment is within the budget parameters of the approved Housing Development Programme; and


b.    That the acquisition is subject to a viable business case having due regard to an interest rate which provides for an appropriate margin over the Council’s cost of capital and a term of no more than 40 years.


iv)          To approve an investment of £251,000 from the Council’s Programme for Growth to fund the establishment of a feasibility budget and the recruitment of a new fixed term post to support the revised Housing Development Programme.


v)            To add that the Council would also consider promoting self-build/custom build opportunities to interested parties on sites in its ownership as part of the Asset Management Strategy on sites which are surplus to Council requirements and/or unsuitable for the direct delivery envisaged in the report. This would be considered when the detailed business cases are considered for each site.




To approve the Housing Development Programme 2017-20 in order to deliver 207 affordable homes in Selby District for Selby District Council and the Selby District Housing Trust through a variety of delivery mechanisms.


In relation to the additional resolution on self-build/custom build opportunities, this type of development could provide a capital receipt for the Council, could help to cross-subsidise delivery of affordable housing, and will help diversify the housing market in the District.



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