Agenda item

Work Programme - Policy Review Committee 2019-20

To consider the Committee’s work programme for 2019-20.


The Committee considered the 2019-20 work programme as set out at pages 13 to 15 of the agenda.


Members had a wide ranging discussion on the aims and interests of the Committee, and proposed the following changes to the work programme for 2019-20:


·           That following an overview of the Council’s housing service and related issues at the September meeting, the issue of North Yorkshire Home Choice be brought back to the Committee in October.


·           That the two separate items on ‘Housing at Selby District Council – An Overview’ and ‘Affordable Housing and Housing Need’ be combined into one item for the September meeting.


·           That the update item on Universal Credit be moved to the October meeting.


·           That an item on future tech provision and infrastructure (such as broadband in new homes, solar panels, electric car charging points) and the low carbon/’green’ agenda be added to the work programme for future consideration, potentially at the October meeting. Members noted that such matters would need to be considered in the context of the new Local Plan, when that came to fruition.


·           That an update should be provided on the Car Parking Strategy/Policy at a future meeting.


·           That the Council’s Private Sector Assistance Policy be considered by the Committee at a future meeting.


·           The issue of empty industrial units was raised an issue attention but it was subsequently decided that this would be more appropriately considered at Scrutiny Committee.


·           Whether the Council had or was developing an AirBnB policy was queried by the Committee; it was subsequently decided that, at present, the rental of properties managed by companies such as AirBnB was not an issue in the District, but that it could be added to the ‘potential items’ area of the work programme for future reference, should any problems occur.


·           Lastly, the matter of Council owned garages was raised by the Committee’ Officers confirmed that information on this could be covered in the Housing update due at the September meeting, as they formed part of the Housing Revenue Account.



i.          To note the work programme for 2019-20.


ii.        That North Yorkshire Home Choice be brought back to the Committee for consideration in October.


iii.       That the two separate items on ‘Housing at Selby District Council – An Overview’ and ‘Affordable Housing and Housing Need’ be combined into one item for the September meeting.


iv.       That the update item on Universal Credit be moved to the October meeting.


v.        That an item on future tech provision and infrastructure (such as broadband in new homes, solar panels, electric car charging points) and the low carbon/’green’ agenda be added to the work programme for future consideration, potentially at the October meeting.


vi.       That an update should be provided to the Committee on the Car Parking Strategy/Policy at a future meeting.


vii.     That the Council’s Private Sector Assistance Policy be considered by the Committee at a future meeting.


viii.    That the issue of empty industrial units would be more appropriately considered by the Scrutiny Committee.


ix.       That the use of AirBnB properties in the District be added to the ‘potential items’ area of the work programme for future reference, should any problems occur.


x.        That issues around Council owned garages be covered in the Housing Overview item due at the September meeting, as they formed part of the Housing Revenue Account.


Supporting documents: