Agenda item

2020/0344/FUL - Land Adjacent A19, Station Road, Riccall


Councillor M Topping re-joined the meeting at this point.


Application: 2020/0344/FUL

Location:Land Adjacent A19, Station Road, Riccall

Proposal: Proposed new dwelling on land adjacent


The Principal Planning Officer presented the application which had been brought before Planning Committee as more than 10 letters of support had been received and Officers would be otherwise making the decision to refuse the application contrary to this support.


The Committee noted that the application was for a proposed new dwelling on land adjacent.


An Officer Update Note had been circulated to the Committee which set out details of a revised highway response following the submission of amended plans showing a partial parking space; North Yorkshire County Council as the Highways Authority had withdrawn its objection to the scheme. The partial parking space was satisfactory and in line with North Yorkshire County Council parking standards, which were one space per one-bed dwelling. This negated reason for refusal No. 3, which was recommended for withdrawal.


The Committee discussed the application and asked questions about construction materials, the street view, designation and surrounding two-storey properties and the parking space detailed in the plans.


Members debated the proposed scheme, with some of the Committee of the opinion that the application was for a unique and contemporary development that could work well in the surrounding streetscape. However, other Members felt that it was not keeping with the local area.


It was proposed and seconded that the application be APPROVED; a vote was taken on the proposal and lost.


It was proposed and seconded that the application be REFUSED for the reasons set out in the report. A vote was taken on the proposal and was carried.



To REFUSE the application for the following reasons:


1.     The proposed development fails to preserve and enhance the character of the local area on account of its contrived nature, design and scale.  The dwelling relates poorly to that of the surrounding built form and will appear isolated and over dominate the open and green character of Station Road. The proposal is therefore contrary to Policy ENV1 (1) and (4), of the Selby District Local Plan, Policy SP 4 c) and d) and SP19 of Core Strategy and Section 12 of the NPPF.


2.     The proposal by virtue of its scale and positioning will be oppressive and dominate the outlook from the rear elevations and gardens of No.5-7 Mount Park. This will cause a reduction in the quality of the living conditions of these residents. Likewise, due to the restricted nature of the site, restricted outlook and lack of amenity space, the development will lead to a substandard living environment for its future occupiers. The proposal is therefore considered to be contrary to policy ENV 1 (1) of the Selby District Local Plan, SP19 of Core Strategy and Section 12 of the NPPF.


The Chair informed Members that they would soon need to vote to continue the meeting; it was subsequently proposed and seconded that the meeting should continue when the three-hour limit was reached. A vote was taken on the proposal and was carried.



That the meeting continue when the three hour limit was reached.


Councillor K Ellis left the meeting at this point as he had declared a personal interest in the next application.



Supporting documents: