Agenda item

Reports from the Executive

The Leader of the Council, and other members of the Executive, will report on their work since the last meeting of the Council and will respond to questions from Councillors on that work.


Councillor Mark Crane, Leader of the Council


The Leader of the Council presented his update on the work he had recently undertaken, as outlined in his report and added that he had attended a meeting with Luke Hall MP, Minister of State (Housing, Communities and Local Government) regarding the East West proposal of Local Government Reorganisation (LGR). Council was informed that if there was unitary authority agreed, then it would most likely not occur until 2023 which meant that the North Yorkshire County Council (NYCC) elections scheduled to take place next year would likely go ahead. With regard to the consultation process, the Leader of the Council explained that he had been informed by the Minister that both bids submitted would be consulted on with an aim to make a decision before the summer recess of Parliament which was June/July 2021.


A query was raised regarding the figures in the East West proposal and whether the District Councils would expand on their proposals. The Leader of the Council stated that further information was available on the Get Change Right website however full details would be sent to all Members.


In response to a query concerning City of York Council’s latest position on LGR, the Leader of the Council stated that it wished to remain as it was currently, as a single unitary authority and for this reason, they supported the NYCC proposal which would allow that to happen.


Queries were raised regarding whether the Government would intervene as a result of LGR to put limits on spending on Councils involved in the reorganisation and around the consultation process of LGR. The Leader of the Council explained that with regard to the reserves, after being in touch with local authorities who had undertaken LGR in their area, that it was possible that the Government could put a stop on spending for Councils going through LGR. It was noted however that the ceasing of spending could be dependent on where Councils were in relation to their projects. With regard to consultation, the Leader of the Council informed Council that following a request for further information concerning the consultation process, it had been stated that local residents views would be taken into account however the majority of the consultation was likely to be with partner organisations such as businesses and Parish Councils.


Councillor Richard Musgrave, Deputy Leader of the Council and Executive Member for Place Shaping


Councillor Musgrave provided an update on the work he had recently undertaken, as outlined in his report and informed Council that with regard to the unauthorised traveller site at Hillam, the Council had been given an initial court date of 6th January 2021 which was known as a directions hearing and that Council would be updated on the issue following this.


The Lead Executive Member for Place Shaping expressed his thanks to the Local Plan Programme Board and officers for their work in bringing the Preferred Options Local Plan document to the consultation stage.


A query was raised concerning the Low Carbon Action Plan going forward and whether the actions would be supported including taking into account wider elements across the district. The Lead Executive Member for Place Shaping explained that he had some questions regarding the report around the plan including widening the scope and would be taking this forward in early 2021.


It was suggested that details of planning appeals should be passed onto the Planning Committee for information regularly so they were aware of the outcomes. It was agreed that this would happen.


In response to a query concerning the decision making process for the Local Plan, it was clarified that the Preferred Options document did not need go to Council and that it was an Executive decision. It was noted that when the Local Plan was to be submitted to the Secretary of State, then it needed to be considered by Council prior to this.  The Lead Executive Member for Place Shaping suggested that it could be considered as a topic for a future member briefing.


Councillor Cliff Lunn, Executive Member for Finance and Resources


Councillor Lunn provided an update on the work he had recently undertaken, as outlined in his report and informed that details of a further grant to be administered had been received which would be aimed at pubs whose sales were less than 50% in relation to food.


Concern was raised at the rules for business grants in particular, that the grants processed missed some businesses and in some circumstances, businesses received the same grant irrespective of their size. Additionally concern was raised at the short notice, market traders were given to put their applications in after it was decided they were eligible. The Lead Executive Member for Finance and Resources explained that the rules for the grants had been decided by the Government and there were circumstances where businesses may not have met the criteria to apply. Council were informed that the second process of applications were aimed at such businesses however this had to be administered in a short period of time and the Council was trying to pay the grants as soon as possible.


A query was raised concerning the national lockdown support grant and whether a business in Sherburn that had recently closed with a loss of 40 jobs had received the grant. It was agreed this would be checked.


In response to a query concerning the grant from the Government for costs relating to Covid for local authorities, the Lead Executive Member for Finance and Resources explained that the Council was given a specific amount of money for areas such as business relief however costs incurred would only be covered by the grant for areas of work that the Council was instructed to do by the Government and not on other areas decided by the Council using its discretion.


In relation to business grants for Covid, an example was provided for a business who had obtained a grant however had not opened. The Lead Executive Member for Finance and Resources informed Council that they were working closely with Veritau which looked into fraud issues for the Council on monitoring suspicious applications. Members were informed to report any specific examples which they had. 


A query was raised whether the Council would be undertaking test and trace duties along with vaccinations and whether it would gain any income from this. The Head of Operational Services explained that with regard to the testing site at Portholme Crescent car park, no income was derived from that. With regard to the possible vaccination centre which may arise, Council was informed that the authority was looking to obtain income from this.


Councillor David Buckle, Executive Member for Communities and Economic Development


Councillor Buckle provided an update on the work he had recently undertaken, as outlined in his report and highlighted that the Council had granted  businesses three months free rent for council premises as a measure of support.


A query was raised regarding enhancing the town centre by supporting its heritage settings. The Lead Executive Member for Communities and Economic Development explained that the Council had obtained the heritage grant and was looking at how it can enhance its areas relating to heritage. Council was informed that a report would be prepared with the work to be done and sent to all Councillors.


In response to a query concerning the costs associated with the Selby District Places and Movement Study, the Lead Executive Member for Communities and Economic Development explained that the study was based around transport and infrastructure and he agreed that everyone needed to advance with the suggestions made during the study.


Councillor Chris Pearson, Executive Member for Housing, Health and Culture


Councillor Pearson provided an update on the work he had recently undertaken, as outlined in his report and congratulated Amey PLC for their work in relation to waste collections despite a number of their staff contracting Covid. Additionally, the Lead Executive Member for Housing, Health and Culture congratulated the officers working on Selby 950 for winning a bronze award at a recent event.


A query was raised concerning what the Council was aiming for in relation to its branding. The Lead Executive Member for Housing, Health and Culture explained that the Council was hoping its brand led to more visitors in the district.


In relation to licensing, Council was informed that the licensing team had visited 70 premises in relation to checks associated with Covid and as a result, two fixed penalty notices had been issued.


A query was raised regarding the 45 fixed penalty notices issued for fly tipping and clarification was sought on what offences the notices were issued for. The Lead Executive Member for Housing, Health and Culture outlined that 25 notices had been issued for littering, 11 for fly tipping and 9 for household duty of care.


It was queried whether the smaller vehicles for waste collection had arrived as previously larger vehicles had not been able to get around smaller streets in the area such as Volta street with house holders having to put their bins further up the street. It was agreed a response would be sought on this.


A query was raised as to how many nominees were there for the White Rose Awards where the Council had finished third for their work on Selby 950. It was agreed this would be checked and a response provided.


In response to a query concerning the collection of old recycling boxes, the Lead Executive Member for Housing, Health and Culture explained that there were collection points agreed prior to Covid for residents to drop old boxes off however that had been suspended due to Covid and would be resumed when safe to do so.



To receive and note the reports from the Executive.


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