Agenda item

Payment of COVID-19 Business Grants - Presentation

To receive a presentation from Officers, giving an overview of the Covid-19 business grants scheme from Central Government.



Officers had circulated a presentation to Members ahead of the meeting which gave an overview of the payment of Covid-19 business grants by the Council. In summary, more than £30m had been distributed to businesses in the form of grants and business rates relief; £1.8m related to discretionary schemes, £77k had been returned to the government and in total approximately 4,600 claims had been supported.


Members acknowledged the amount of effort and time that had been put into the payment of grants by staff, who had been administering the scheme in addition to their everyday roles; it was agreed that Selby’s performance had been exemplary.


Officers explained that whilst funding had been received from central government to support the Council’s administration of the scheme, the final costs to the Council, including a backlog of work, were still to be covered. Planned improvements in the Revenue and Benefits Team had not been achieved and were deferred in order for staff to focus on the distribution of grants.


The Executive Lead Member for Finance and Resources, was in attendance at the meeting and emphasised the importance of the work undertaken by Officers over the past twelve months. The Committee were pleased to note that Members would be kept informed when what was expected to be the final round of funding was administered in April 2021.


Questions were asked regarding the return of funds to central government and whether there was still an active discretionary grant fund. Officers explained that there was to be a new amount of funding to last through until March 2022.


Members agreed that it was very important that the most was obtained from the grants from the government, as numerous businesses in the area were still struggling. It was essential that the grants policy the Council used was not too restrictive, so that as many people and businesses as possible could be helped.


Officers acknowledged the suggestions that the Committee had made and made the point that there was an element of future predictions to also be considered, particularly around the potential for another wave of infections in autumn and winter 2021. It was imperative that the funding from the government lasted long enough if there was another wave of the virus; sustainability was key, and as a result, some of the funding may need to be held back.


The Committee asked Officers what was being done to contact those businesses who perhaps did not understand how to apply for the grants or believed themselves to be ineligible. Officers explained that a great deal of effort had gone into communications relating to these issues, using contacts in the local press, the Economic Development Team, Licensing, and the local business community. Members were pleased to note that those who had received grants previously would not be made to reapply; funds would be sent to them automatically. Officers were also encouraged to keep up with the communication to ensure that the maximum number of businesses continued to be aware of the grants available to them.


Members commended Officers on how they had dealt with the administration and distribution of business grants and thanked them for their continued hard work.


It was agreed by the Committee that a written report on the same topic, as detailed on the work programme for the next meeting in April 2021, was not required and should be deferred in lieu of an update later in the year.



The Committee noted the update on the payment of Covid-19 business grants and agreed that an update on the matter should be brought back to the Committee by Officers later in 2021.