Agenda item

2020/1300/FUL - Tamwood, Station Road, Riccall


Application: 2020/1300/FUL

Location: Tamwood, Station Road, Riccall, York

Proposal: Demolition of existing dwelling, construction of seven residential properties


The Senior Planning Officer presented the report which had been brought before the Planning Committee due to the number of objections contrary to officers’ recommendation to approve, and in addition to a request from the local Ward Member.


Members noted that the application was for the demolition of the existing dwelling and for the construction of seven residential properties.


The Officer Update Note outlined that following the publication of the officer report, two further responses had been received from the Ward Member and Riccall Parish Council requesting the determination of the application be deferred until the impending Riccall Conservation Area appraisal had been concluded. Additionally, a further response had been received stating the base maps for the plans did not reflect the current recent extensions and that impacts upon daylight and sunlight were worse than considered within the report.


It was also noted that the Update note included the following:


·         Due to the applicants providing a Construction Management Plan and this being reviewed by officers, it was agreed that condition 6 in the recommendations was no longer needed.


·         Due to the applicants providing a Phase 2 Ground Investigation Report and this being reviewed by the Contaminated Land Consultant, it was agreed that conditions 9, 10 and 11 in the recommendations was no longer needed and condition 12 had been included to reflect the Contaminated Land Consultant’s recommended condition.


·         An amendment to the recommendation of the application in the light of the Bat Survey Report produced by the applicant.


·         Due to the applicants providing a drainage layout and micro drainage calculations, the Internal Drainage Board and Yorkshire Water had been reconsulted. It was stated however that condition 3 remained necessary and was included for determination.


·         There was a correction to paragraph 6.9 where it incorrectly suggested the application had been submitted in outlined where it was a full application and all material considerations should be taken into account in the determination of the application.


In response to the query concerning Riccall Conservation Area appraisal, the Committee was informed by the Senior Planning Officer and the Head of Planning that it was unreasonable and unjustified to delay the determination of the application, and that it was appropriate to determine it based on the prevailing material circumstances of the application.


Matthew Pardoe, an agent speaking on behalf of a neighbour, was invited remotely into the meeting and spoke in objection to the application.


Brian Keen of Riccall Parish Council, was invited remotely into the meeting and spoke in objection to the application.


Councillor John Duggan, Ward Member, was invited remotely into the meeting and spoke in objection to the application.


Lee Vincent, agent, was invited remotely into the meeting and spoke in support of the application.


Members debated the application. It was proposed and seconded that the application should be deferred to allow a site visit to be conducted to gain a better understanding of the site location with regards impact upon the heritage and conservation, impact on the amenity of neighbours, highways, access, waste and recycling.


A vote was taken on the proposal and it was carried.



To DEFER the determination of the application to allow a site visit to be conducted.


In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 9, a vote was taken for the meeting to continue beyond three hours in length in the event it ran over this time.



                        To continue the meeting beyond three hours if needed.

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