Agenda item

2020/0149/FULM - Sellite Blocks Ltd, Long Lane, Great Heck, Goole


Application: 2020/0149/FULM

Location: Selite Blocks Ltd., Long Lane, Great Heck, Goole

Proposal: Proposed erection of a foamed glass manufacturing facility including hard surfacing for material storage


The Principal Planning Officer presented the application which had been brought before Planning Committee as it was a major application where 10 or more letters of representation had been received that raised material planning considerations against the recommendation.


Members noted that the application was for the proposed erection of a foamed glass manufacturing facility including hard surfacing for material storage.


The Officer Update Note had been circulated and published online ahead of the meeting which gave details of corrected wording to the recommendation and paragraph 1.3 of the report, as well as an update on the NYCC Highways and Transportation consultation. Several additional conditions and informatives were also set out in the update note, alongside details of further representations received from local residents.


The Committee asked numerous questions of the Officer regarding; vehicular access to the site, the views of the Landscape Architect and the Environmental Health Officer, the visual impact, potential dust and pollution from the site, the source of the glass to be used in production, noise monitoring, job creation, the substances to be produced by chimneys and exhausts on the building and whether the concerns of the Highways Authority had been addressed.


With regards to access, Officers explained that there was to be new access for HGVs but that existing pedestrian access would be maintained.


Members noted that the Landscape Architect and Environmental Health Officer’s concerns had been addressed, as well as those of the Highways Authority. Potential pollution from the site was constantly monitored and there were standards in place to manage emissions. A great deal of the work by the facility would be internal and there were dampening down facilities on site which would reduce dust.


Officers clarified that whilst the business would be using a novel technology, it was the same company undertaking the work that would tie in with glass recycling products in the area; the processes would operate alongside each other. It was hoped that the glass for recycling would come from local facilities.


The Committee understood that noise monitoring exercises undertaken on site would meet professional standards, with the work based on a shift pattern. Approximately 34 new jobs were being created on site, with an increase of around 14 HGV movements a day. Lastly, Members also noted that the chimneys would be producing water vapour.


Stuart Vendy, objector, was invited to speak at the meeting and spoke against the application.


John Hunter, Heck Parish Council, was invited to speak at the meeting and spoke against the application.


Councillor J McCartney, Ward Member, was invited to speak at the meeting and spoke against the application.


Colin Hope, applicant, was invited to speak to the meeting and spoke in favour of the application.


Members debated the application further and acknowledged that the scheme before them was a major application in the open countryside, outside development limits and was subject to several objections. As such, the Committee felt that both a site visit and additional information would be appropriate before a decision was taken, therefore consideration of the application should be deferred. Some Members also had concerns around several the pre-conditions on which they wanted further explanations from Officers.


It was proposed and seconded that consideration of the application be deferred, that additional information be provided and a site visit undertaken. A vote was taken on the proposal and agreed by the Committee.



That consideration of the application be DEFERRED in order for additional information be provided to the Committee and for a site visit to be undertaken.




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