Agenda item

Executive Member Portfolio Review - Executive Member for Communities and Economic Development

As requested by the Chair of the Scrutiny Committee, in attendance will be the Executive Member for Communities and Economic Development, Councillor D Buckle, to give a review of matters within his portfolio.



The Chair welcomed the Executive Member for Communities and Economic Development, Councillor David Buckle, to the meeting.


Councillor Buckle gave an overview of ongoing work, projects and updates within his portfolio, including town regeneration projects, Sherburn legacy projects, Heritage Action Zones, the Shining Star Awards, Community Legacy Funds, Safeguarding Partnerships and the Selby Station Gateway.


The Committee asked a number of questions of the Executive Member on various subjects, such as the rollout of electric vehicle charging points. It was explained that the rollout of EV points would be in the back Micklegate, South Street and Porthole Road car parks. Members noted that a number of private companies were installing EV charging points at offices.


Members asked about the redevelopment of Kellingley Colliery and Eggborough Power Station and whether jobs at these sites would produce a suitable number of jobs in the Selby District and if the potential increase of HGVs relating to the sites had been properly considered. The Executive Member explained that all developers were aware of the import and export of labour issues and that it was vital to capture the right sort of businesses on the sites. The Coal Board Regeneration Trust had been involved with the plans for Kellingley Colliery, on which small and medium units would be provided. Members noted that all of the Council’s industrial units were currently full.


The Executive Member explained to the Committee that the Gascoigne Wood developers wanted to attract a company that would use the existing rail head on the site.


Members asked about the cost of the recent Shining Star Awards, the ceremony for which was held at Selby Abbey. The Executive Member described how the Council felt it was important to recognise the achievement of people from local communities during the pandemic and floods, but that a breakdown of costs could be supplied to Members if requested. Applications for the awards had been received from across the district.


The cost of the Places and Movement Consultation was queried by the Committee, as well as what was felt to be by the Mayor of Selby a lack of consultation with residents. The Executive Member acknowledged the cost but clarified that there was a significant amount of information required and some aspects that needed to be changed, such as the low carbon approach and the links to the Transforming Cities Fund.


The Executive Member confirmed that the Mayor of Selby had recently discussed matters with Officers, and that the first consultation could have only taken place online during the height of the pandemic, which could explain the low response and lack of awareness by residents.


Officers explained the reasons behind the Places and Movement Consultation, as well as the costs, further details such as traffic modelling, problem junctions, landscape design, the appeal of town centres and next steps. The Council was trying to improve and transform some of the district’s towns and places. A great deal of the work had been funded from outside the Council by bodies such as the York Enterprise Partnership. Members felt that there needed to be better communication with residents about the work and stated that the Council’s communications and social media presence needed to improve in order to engage more people.


Lastly, the Committee asked about the potential development of the land at Burn Airfield and what progress there had been with that proposal. The Executive Member and Officers explained that discussions around the airfield were being taken forward in order to understand the nature of flooding on the site, as the Planning Department would not be able to make a sound judgment without such information. In addition, a survey had been undertaken and no munitions had been found on the site.


The Chair thanked the Executive Member for attending the meeting and providing the update.



                        The Committee noted the update.


Councillor D Buckle left the meeting at this point and did not return.