Agenda item

Reports from the Executive

The Leader of the Council, and other members of the Executive, will report on their work since the last meeting of the Council and will respond to questions from Councillors on that work.


Councillor M Crane - The Leader of the Council


The Leader of the Council reported on the work he had recently undertaken, as outlined in his report.


In response to a query concerning the latest situation concerning devolution, the Leader of the Council explained that he had attended a meeting with the Secretary of State concerning a devolution deal for Yorkshire. It was noted that 18 out of the 20 Yorkshire authorities were in favour of a deal and further work would need to be undertaken to confirm proposals.


A query was raised around development of the masterplan for housing infrastructure and it was felt that parishes should be involved in the process so that their reviews were considered. The Director of Economic Regeneration and Place explained that there was funding allocated in the Councils Programme for Growth the master planning of settlements and a report would be submitted to the Executive on this. The Leader of the Council added that the involvement of parishes was fundamental to the process.


Concern was raised at the number of planning applications in which the 40% target for affordable housing was not being met. The Leader of the Council explained that the Council’s policy was to always aim for 40% however developers were permitted to have a lower level of affordable housing if they could come up with an economic argument stating why the target was not viable for the development site.


Councillor J Mackman, Deputy Leader of the Council and Executive Lead Member for Place Shaping


Councillor Mackman, Deputy Leader of the Council and Lead Executive Member for Place Shaping, provide an update on the work he had recently undertaken, as outlined in his report.


In response to the development of the Conditions Manuals, it was felt that conditions relating to site management needed to be included in the manual to prevent builders working early mornings and on weekends. It was noted however that the Planning Committee could consider imposing relevant conditions.


The Lead Executive Member for Place Shaping praised the work of staff involved in appeals relating to the five year housing land supply as it was noted that the Council had now won five successive appeals where Planning Inspectors had concluded that the Council did have a five year supply of deliverable land.


A query was raised at the development of 12 affordable homes on Ousegate and it was felt that consideration of the impact of the Ouse needed to be factored into any development. It was agreed this would be looked into.


In response to a query relating to the decision making on the spending of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) money, it was clarified that the final decision on this would be made by the Executive.


Councillor C Lunn, Lead Executive Member for Finance and Resources       


Councillor Lunn, Lead Executive Member for Finance and Resources presented his update on the work he had recently undertaken, as outlined in his report.


In response to a query on reducing the hardship for those claiming Universal Credit, the Lead Executive Member for Finance and Resources explained that the Council along with the Citizens Advice Bureau would be assisting individuals by getting used to budgeting on a monthly basis. It was also noted that the Council was encouraging people to talk to them if they had any difficulties.


Councillor C Pearson, Executive Lead Member for Housing, Leisure, Health and Culture


Councillor Pearson, Lead Executive Member for Housing, Leisure, Health and Culture, provide an update on the work he had recently undertaken, as outlined in his report.


A query was raised requesting further details of the cases highlighted in the table contained in the update relating to enforcement including locations of the crimes. It was agreed to a written reply would be provided to this query.


Concern was raised that at the decision not to replace carbon monoxide detectors in council properties as it was legal requirements for private landlords to install them.  The Leader of the Council informed Council that the Executive had not made such a decision.


Councillor C Metcalfe, Executive Lead Member for Communities and Economic Development


Councillor Metcalfe, Lead Executive Member for Communities and Economic Development provided an update on the work he had recently undertaken, as outlined in his report.


The Lead Executive Member for Communities and Economic Development congratulated officers on the consultation responses that had been submitted as outlined in the report especially on the Transport for the North’s Strategic Transport Plan.


With regard to improving member communications, the Lead Executive Member for Communities and Economic Development explained that a working group had been set up to look at this issue and the first meeting of the group had taken place.


Concern was raised that the response to the Transport for the North’s Strategic Transport Plan did not sufficiently highlight the transport concerns in the district. The Lead Executive Member for Communities and Economic Development explained that the response had referred to infrastructure being needed along with better connectivity.



To receive and note the reports from the Executive.


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