Agenda item

2015/0452/EIA (8/19/1011AV/PA) - Staynor Hall, Abbots Road, Selby


Application: 2015/0542/EIA

Location:Staynor Hall, Abbotts Road, Selby

Proposal: Reserved matters application for the erection of 215 dwellings following outline approval CO/2002/1185 (8/19/1011C/PA) for the erection of 1200 dwellings (4 existing to be demolished) employment, public open space, shopping and community facilities (including up to 2,000 sq. m of shops) together with associated footpaths, cycleways, roads, engineering at Phase 4


The Planning Officer presented the application which had been brought to Committee as it was a significant residential development that had received 3rd party objections, which raised material planning considerations in objection to the scheme, and Officers would otherwise determine the application contrary to these representations. The application was also EIA development owing to the original outline consent.


Members noted that the application was for a reserved matters application for the erection of 215 dwellings following outline approval CO/2002/1185 (8/19/1011C/PA) for the erection of 1200 dwellings (4 existing to be demolished) employment, public open space, shopping and community facilities (including up to 2,000 sq. m of shops) together with associated footpaths, cycleways, roads, engineering at Phase 4.


In attendance at the meeting was a Highways Officer from North Yorkshire County Council.


An Officer Update Note had been circulated and published online ahead of the meeting which contained significant additional information for the consideration of Members; it included a consultation response from Selby Town Council, an additional representation from Selby College and their consultants WSP, seven supplementary objections from residents, further information from the applicant’s agent and comments from North Yorkshire Police and VPK Holdings. There were also amendments to Conditions 4, 5, 9, 12 and 13.


The Committee asked numerous questions of the Officer about various aspects of the application. These included access to the Staynor Hall estate via Abbots Road and related road safety issues for students and residents, the distance of the proposed houses from Staynor Wood, noise impact on residential properties, landscaping and the potential effect of the scheme on ancient woodland, piling and scheme viability, access arrangements as per the outline of the original masterplan, the removal of trees and verges to provide the aforementioned access and the width of the resulting hardstanding. The Committee also queried if any other points of access had been considered as part of the scheme; Officers confirmed that in the original 2002/2005 application access via Bawtry Road had been contemplated but was deemed to be not possible.


Judith Firth, objector, was invited to speak at the meeting and spoke against the application.


The Committee noted that the Chair had given his permission for a second objector to speak at the meeting; as such Phil Sayles, Principal of Selby College, was invited to speak at the meeting and spoke against the application.


Councillor Steve Shaw-Wright, Ward Councillor, was invited to speak at the meeting and spoke against the application.


Paul Butler, applicant, was invited to speak at the meeting and spoke for the application.


Members went on to debate the application in detail. The Committee felt that traffic surveys around the college should be undertaken at peak times if not already done, as this was a crucial piece of information. The Officer from North Yorkshire County Council confirmed that there were no objections to the scheme from the Highways Team.


The Committee asked if alternative access points along East Common Lane had been considered; Officers responded that it had not been included in past discussions. Members were reminded that they needed to consider the matters before them, but should the application be deferred, alternative access could be explored, which would likely require significant reengineering of the scheme.


Members made it clear that they had contemplated the various options as set out in the report, and whilst some were supportive of the recommendation to grant, the majority of the Committee were of the opinion that the proposed access was not safe, and as such, the application should be deferred in order for Officers to consider it again. As well as deferral, a site visit was proposed to be undertaken at peak traffic times in order for Members to see the reality of traffic flow down Abbots Road. The Committee also felt that the impact on the adjoining woodland needed to be explored further, the Landscape Architect consulted on the scheme and alternative access investigated.


It was proposed and seconded that the application be DEFERRED. A vote was taken and was carried.



That the application be DEFERRED in order for:


·           a site visit, at peak traffic times, to be undertaken;


·           Officers to explore further alternative access to the site and the impact of the proposals on the nearby woodland; and


·           the Landscape Architect to be consulted on the scheme.

Supporting documents: