Agenda item

2020/0014/FULM - Land Off Barff View, Burn


Application: 2020/0014/FULM

Location: Land Off Barff View, Burn

Proposal: Proposed construction of 10 affordable homes, to include a two-storey block of six two-bedroom apartments and four single-storey two-bedroom semi-detached properties


The Principal Planning Officer presented the application which due to it being an application by Selby District Council for its own development on its own land.


Members noted that the application was for the proposed construction of 10 affordable homes, to include a two-storey block of six two-bedroom apartments and four single-storey two-bedroom semi-detached properties.


An Officer Update Note had been circulated and published online ahead of the meeting which gave details of further consultation responses received from the Lead Local Flood Authority following some additional information provided by the applicant.


As a result, further information was required from the applicant on the following matters; a review of the design and calculations for the highway and surface water drainage systems for the developments to reduce the discharge rate as close as possible to greenfield run off rates, whilst acknowledging the size restriction of 75mm orifice size/control; determining the requirements of the Highway Authority for adopting the new section of highway, and confirmation of the impact of the ground water in terms of the cellular storage area, and whether mitigation should be incorporated into the design.


The Committee asked the Officer to clarify what the correct recommendation was; Officers confirmed that the revised recommendation, as detailed in the Officer Update Note, was incorrect. The Committee were instead asked to agree that the decision should be minded to approve, with authority to approve deferred to the Head of Planning Services, subject to receipt of the above additional information, and subject to that information satisfying the requirements of the Lead Local Flood Authority, and subject to any additional relevant appropriate conditions arising from that consultee.


Members also asked questions relating to comments from Burn Parish Council, the layout of the scheme, potential loss of biodiversity, potential flooding and car parking.


Officers explained that the layout of the scheme had not changed since the application was originally submitted. Officers had tried to create a balance between the loss of biodiversity and the benefits of social housing that was sorely needed in the district. With regards to flooding, Members were informed that various flood risk assessments had been produced with some concerns raised; however, the Environment Agency had withdrawn its objections. There were various measures that would be undertaken to mitigate, counteract and plan for any future flooding. The Environment Agency had wanted levels to be raised further; as a result, there was a condition that set such levels.


Members discussed the application further, with some of the opinion it was important to recognise that Officers had considered the overall balance of the proposals and made a judgement. It was essential that flooding issues were resolved, but the balance was that the need for affordable homes outweighed the risks.


It was proposed and seconded that the application be minded for approval, with authority to approve deferred to the Head of Planning Services, subject to receipt of the above additional information, and subject to that information satisfying the requirements of the Lead Local Flood Authority, and subject to any additional relevant appropriate conditions arising from that consultee. A vote was taken and was lost. As a result of the vote, clear reasons for refusal were required.


After some further discussion, it was proposed and seconded that the application be deferred in order to allow Officers to undertake further work on the application by supplying more detail on potential flooding and the suitability of car parking provision, and subject to:


-       the receipt of the additional information from the Lead Local Flood Authority;

-       that information satisfying the requirements of the Lead Local Flood Authority; and

-       any additional relevant appropriate conditions arising from that consultee.


It was proposed and seconded that the application be DEFERRED. A vote was taken and was carried.



That the application be DEFERRED in order for Officers to undertake further work on the application by supplying additional detail on potential flooding and the suitability of car parking provision on the site.


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