Agenda item

2015/0452/EIA - Staynor Hall, Abbots Road, Selby


Application: 2015/0452/EIA

Location: Staynor Hall, Abbots Road, Selby

Proposal: Reserved matters application for the erection of 215 dwellings following outline approval CO/2002/1185 (8/19/1011C/PA) for the erection of 1200 dwellings (4 existing to be demolished) employment, public open space, shopping and community facilities (including up to 2,000 sq m of shops) together with associated footpaths, cycleways, roads, engineering at Phase 4


The Principal Planning Officer presented the application which had been previously presented to the meeting of the committee on 10 November 2021 and deferred for a site visit to look at the impact of the new access to Staynor Avenue at peak traffic times, to allow Officers to explore alternative access arrangements and to assess the impact on the woodland. The deferment was also to allow the Landscape Architect to be consulted.


Members noted that the application was a reserved matters application for the erection of 215 dwellings following outline approval CO/2002/1185 (8/19/1011C/PA) for the erection of 1200 dwellings (4 existing to be demolished) employment, public open space, shopping and community facilities (including up to 2,000 sq. m of shops) together with associated footpaths, cycleways, roads, engineering at Phase 4.


The Committee considered the Officer Update Note which set out extra information including further comments from the agent, impact of the changes on the residents of numbers 2 to 16 Staynor Avenue, re-consultation of Selby Town Council on amended plans, clarity that the plan referred to in paragraph 3.20 would be within the presentation, the response from the Highways Authority, and an amended condition and recommendation.


The Committee asked numerous questions of the Officer about the scheme, in particular about the fact that the consultation with Selby Town Council was still open and commented that the decision should be subject to the expiry of the consultation with the Town Council on 14 February 2022 and the application publicity on 15 February 2022.


Officers confirmed that no further comments had been received from Selby College since 27 January 2022, and that an additional condition regarding access for all construction vehicles being through phase 3 in the south-eastern corner of the site, with no construction vehicles being taken from the proposed Staynor Avenue emergency access, could be added.


Paul Butler and Steve Windass, agents, with the agreement of the Chair shared the five minutes to speak and spoke in favour the application.


Members debated the application further and were pleased that a great deal of work had been undertaken since the committee had last considered the application, specifically relating to the woodland, access and traffic. The committee were pleased that Selby College and local residents were all content.


Officers confirmed that there were some highways checks to be undertaken which may result in some small adjustments within the plans; these would be discussed again with the Highways Team and agreements would follow.


It was proposed and seconded that the application be MINDED TO GRANT; a vote was taken and was carried.




1.    That the application be MINDED TO GRANT, subject to:


·      the conditions set out at paragraph 7 of the report and Officer Update Note;


·      the expiry of the publicity period for the application on 15 February 2022 and expiry of the consultation with Selby Town Council on 14 February 2022;


·      the following additional condition:


That all construction vehicles shall access the site through phase 3 in the south eastern corner of the site, with no construction vehicles being taken from the proposed Staynor Avenue emergency access.



In the interests of highway safety due to the conflict of the Staynor Avenue emergency access and the college.




·      the delegation of outstanding highway changes being made to the satisfaction of NYCC Highways, and if the changes were considered minor and fell within the framework of the existing recommendation, the Head of Planning, in consultation with the Chair of the Planning Committee, delegate the decision to release the reserved matter approval.


2.    That following the expiry of the publicity the Head of Planning and/or Planning Development Manger be authorised to issue the Reserved Matters permission.



Supporting documents: