Agenda item

2019/1328/REMM - Land Adjacent Aspen Grove, Weeland Road, Eggborough


Councillor R Musgrave re-joined the Committee at this point.


Application: 2019/1328/REMM

Location: Land Adjacent Aspen Grove, Weeland Road, Eggborough

Proposal:Reserved matters application (appearance, landscaping, layout, and scale) for the erection of 30 residential dwellings, pursuant to outline permission reference 2016/0124/OUT


The Assistant Principal Planning Officer presented the application which had been brought before Planning Committee as the proposals reduced the amount of recreational open space to be provided on site from the 2,900 square metres agreed by the Planning Inspectorate in December 2016 to 1,800 square metres.


Furthermore, notwithstanding conditions attached to the outline planning permission requiring surface water drainage details to be submitted to and agreed by the Local Planning Authority by way of a discharge of condition application, the applicant now proposed to provide an off-site attenuation basin as part of the surface water drainage proposals, which required planning permission in its own right as opposed to a discharge of condition application, as the works were on land outside of the red line boundary. This was the subject of planning application reference 2020/1369/FUL, which had also been brought before Planning Committee for consideration, and was the next item on the agenda, given its link to this application.


Members noted that the application was a reserved matters application (appearance, landscaping, layout, and scale) for the erection of 30 residential dwellings, pursuant to outline permission reference 2016/0124/OUT.


The Committee considered the Officer Update Note which set out extra information including the removal of some wording from condition 8 to instead form an informative and two additional conditions.


The Committee asked numerous questions of the Officer about the scheme, in particular about the installation of SUDS on site and the discharge of foul water. Officers advised that detail around the SUDS and drainage on the site would be included in the following agenda item due for consideration by Members.


Jonathan Ainley, agent, was invited to speak at the meeting and spoke in support of the application.


Members debated the application further and expressed some reservations about the scheme’s design particularly about the siting of the recreational open space[JT1] , and the cramped nature of the boundary in some places. Officers assured Members that extensive discussions and work had been undertaken on the proposals with the applicants and that the scheme as presented to the Committee was a result of those discussion and work, with amendments having been made to the scheme throughout the application process.


Further comments were made about foul drainage but Members were reminded that the application was reserved matters and as such the principle of development had already been agreed; as such, there would be no condition relating to foul drainage. Officers emphasised that there had been no comments to the contrary regarding drainage.


It was proposed and seconded that the application be GRANTED; a vote was taken and was carried.



That the application be GRANTED subject to completion of Deed of Variation, the conditions at paragraph 7 of the report and the conditions as amended and added in the Officer Update Note.

 [JT1]Can we say recreational open space instead of play area, as no play area is proposed on the recreational open space in this instance

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