Agenda item

Programme for Growth - Update on Existing Programme and Proposed New Programme

Report E/17/59 gives an overview of progress on the existing Programme for Growth, seeks approval for a proposed new programme of projects and outlines proposals for strengthening overall programme management and governance in response to the key recommendations from the recent LGA Peer Review.


The Leader of the Council presented the report that gave an overview of progress on the existing Programme for Growth, seeks approval for a proposed new programme of projects and outlines proposals for strengthening overall programme management and governance in response to the key recommendations from the recent Local Government Association (LGA) Peer Review.


The Executive were supportive of the programme and praised the work that had been completed so far however were mindful that the Council had a number of significant projects currently in process and therefore the projects in the Programme for Growth needed to be prioritised to ensure they were deliverable.


Discussion took place on the financial sustainability of projects and it was noted that further details for this and other details would be contained in the business cases for each project.




i)     To note the progress on the existing Programme for Growth as set out in paragraphs 2.1 to 2.7 and Appendix A of the report and approve the carry forward of the identified projects and associated budgets. 


ii)    To approve the new Programme for Growth Projects and associated budgets as set out in Appendix C of the report


iii)   To note the strengthened programme management and reporting arrangements set out in paragraphs 2.17 to 2.22 of the report.



To note progress on the existing Programme for Growth and approve the new Programme for Growth Projects as a key way of delivering the Council’s corporate priorities and objectives as set out in the Corporate Plan and the Council is strengthening governance and programme management arrangements.


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