Agenda item

2021/1089/FULM - Hales Lane, Drax


Application: 2021/1089/FUL

Location: Hales Lane, Drax

Proposal: Development of a battery storage facility, associated infrastructure, access and grid connection


The Assistant Principal Planning Officer presented the application which had been brought before Planning Committee as it was a major application where 10 or more letters of representation had been received, which raised material planning considerations, and Officers were recommending approval of the application contrary to these representations.


Members noted that it was for the development of a battery storage facility, associated infrastructure, access and grid connection.


The Committee considered the Officer Update Note which set out an amendment to Condition 9, clarification of the maximum heights of the substation and details of a further letter of representation.


The Committee asked several questions relating to previous approval of similar scheme through delegated powers, proposals for the roadway, the distance and positioning of the cabling to the substation and the cumulative impact of the scheme. Some Members believed all such schemes should be brought before the committee for consideration.


Officers confirmed that this particular application had been brought before committee due to the number of representations received, and the cable would be laid under the road along Hales Lane for 600m.


Democratic Services read out a representation from an objector, Diane Hall, who was against the application.


George Wilyman, applicant, spoke in favour of the application.


Members debated the application further, with some emphasising that on previous similar applications there had usually been a construction compound; Officers explained that this would be clarified as part of the construction management plan, details of which had been requested under condition 12. Officers advised that they understood the compound would be likely located within the site boundary.


Some Members felt that the scheme was not suitable for the location and that it would be a blight on the local landscape and affect local businesses such as the riding school and cemetery. It was out of keeping with the village of Drax and schemes such as these would be better suited to sites within the limits of the decommissioned power station.


However, some Members supported approval of the scheme but subject to numerous conditions. The proposals were not in the green belt where very special circumstances had to be agreed; it was also not a site of special landscape or ecological interest. There were a substantial number of trees on the nearby bunding that would provide high-level screening. A dedicated parking and turning area were to be provided and the maximum height of the units was 7m, the colour scheme of which would minimise visual impact. Such applications would become more common and as such the decision to be made by the committee should reflect that; compact sites such as these were needed nationally.


It was proposed and seconded that the application be REFUSED; a vote was taken and was lost.


It was subsequently proposed and seconded that the application be APPROVED; a vote was taken and was carried.



That the application be APPROVED, subject to the conditions set out in the report and the Officer Update Note.

Supporting documents: