Agenda item

Helios Renewable Energy Project - Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (E/22/22)

Report E/22/22 asks the Executive to note the content of the report and authorise the Head of Planning and Interim Head of Regulatory Services (or equivalent), in consultation with the Leader of the Council, to agree the Local Impact Report, Statement of Common Ground, the content of the draft DCO, and all further necessary representations by the District Council, together with post decision monitoring of planning conditions and enforcement of the DCO.


The Leader of the Council introduced the report which asked the Executive to note the content and to authorise the Head of Planning and Interim Head of Regulatory Services (or equivalent), in consultation with himself as Leader of the Council, to agree the Local Impact Report, Statement of Common Ground, the content of the draft DCO, and all further necessary representations by the District Council, together with post-decision monitoring of planning conditions and enforcement of the DCO.


Members noted that the report set out the legislative background to Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs) and how these were dealt with. The Executive had considered similar NSIP reports recently in respect of the Drax Bioenergy and Carbon Capture Project in May 2021, the Yorkshire GREEN Project in April 2022 and the Humber Low Carbon Pipelines Project in August 2022. Applicants for infrastructure projects needed to make an application to the Planning Inspectorate (PINS) for a Development Consent Order (DCO). The final decision was made by the Secretary of State on the recommendation of PINS, but Local Planning Authorities were statutory consultees in the process.


The Executive were reminded that the scheme was not a planning decision that would be taken by Selby District Council.


In attendance at the meeting was Ward Member for Camblesforth and Carlton, Councillor M Jordan, as a significant part of the scheme would be in his ward. Councillor Jordan was invited to address the meeting by the Leader.


Councillor Jordan spoke about the significant effects the proposals would have on the local area. These included pipelines from Drax Power to the North Sea, cabling from Scotland and the proposed and other solar farms to Drax Power, new National Grid buildings near Drax and the required demolition of a residential building to accommodate the Helios project.


The Leader thanked Councillor Jordan for attending and for the points he had made which reflected the considerable consequences the scheme could have on residents. Members also emphasised how important it was to recognise the value of consistent energy supplies across the country.


Officers explained that they had been undertaking further work on battery storage applications in order to build a complete contextual picture to inform the process. Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) and cumulative impacts were being considered for every scheme and such matters were being raised with the developers.


The Leader asked that Members contact him with their views so he could construct a well-informed opinion before a response was provided about the scheme.


The Executive asked if the Council would receive a planning fee, if farmers would obtain rent for the sites, what the life span of the site would be and if Parish Councils would also benefit from the scheme.


Officers clarified that there was no planning fee for the Council as it was not a Selby District Council application; however, costs could be recovered. Farmers would receive rental income from having solar panels on their land and made the point that this could be quite a lucrative arrangement as it provided a consistent turnover for what was likely to be multiple ownerships.


Councillor Jordan informed Members that all the land relating to the scheme would be leased, and that it was for each Parish Council to decide how they wished to proceed in relation to the proposals.


The Leader commended the report.



                        The Executive


i.   noted the content of the report; and


ii.  authorised the Head of Planning and Interim Head of Regulatory Services (or equivalent), in consultation with the Leader of the Council, to agree the Local Impact Report, Statement of Common Ground, the content of the draft DCO, and all further necessary representations by the District Council, together with post decision monitoring of planning conditions and enforcement of the DCO.




Timescales for commenting on the DCO application once it was submitted are embedded in statute and it was important that appropriate delegation arrangements were in place so that the Council was able to meet the deadlines which were set by PINS.

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