Agenda item
Reports from the Executive
The Leader of the Council, and other members of the Executive, will report on their work since the last meeting of the Council and will respond to questions from Councillors on that work.
Councillor Mark Crane, Leader of the Council
The Leader of the Council presented the update on the work undertaken recently as outlined in the report.
The Leader of the Opposition asked about planning enforcement cases and related staffing levels. The Leader explained that the Council had received more cases than previously, many of which were relatively minor issues. Staffing levels were the same as the preceding year; there had been an agency worker who had assisted the team, but they had now left the organisation. Overall, enforcement cases had decreased over the last two years and had only very recently seen an increase.
Members queried the work of the Planning Team with North Yorkshire County Council on 5 Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects that were at various stages with the Planning Inspectorate (PINS) through the Development Consent regime. The Leader confirmed that it was the Drax Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage project at pre-examination stage. There were currently a number of significant, large-scale and potentially contentious applications in the district. The Camblesforth Solar Farm project had been submitted to PINS and was awaiting acceptance.
Lastly, the Leader was asked by Members to chase up a response to a question that had been submitted at the 27 September 2022 meeting of the Council. The query related to 380 potential homes to be built on Low Street in Sherburn as presented in the Local Plan, which were identified as coming through a public open space, footpath and nature reserve. Members asked that Officers look into this and clarify the plans, and what the potential impact of such a development could be.
The Leader apologised that the information had not been provided and handed over to the Deputy Leader who would respond to the points raised as he had been closer to the Local Plan process. The Deputy Leader reminded Members that the time for making comments on the Local Plan, i.e., the consultation period, had ended.
Councillor Richard Musgrave, Deputy Leader of the Council and Lead Executive Member for Housing
The Deputy Leader of the Council presented the update on the work undertaken as outlined in the report.
The Leader of the Opposition thanked the Council for its investment in the prefabricated homes at Beech Grove in Sherburn; this had been very welcome, and residents were delighted with the results.
Councillor N Reader joined the meeting at this point.
The Leader of the Opposition raised a question on void properties and the issues around repairing these properties to a high standard, and whether the Council was able to commit to continue to do this to avoid future costs and address environmental aspects of the work. The Leader of the Opposition also asked about the problem of mould in some Council houses, which was an issue that had been raised with him by some residents, and if an advice line or specific Officer contact details could be provided to tenants to address the matter.
The Deputy Leader expressed his pleasure at the positive feedback from residents regarding the work at Beech Grove; it was hoped that the work would be completed by the end of January 2023.
Regarding the points made about the mould, a recent update had been given to him by Officers which would be forwarded to the Leader of the Opposition. The Deputy Leader agreed that it was the Council’s responsibility to review the current position and would be providing assessment information in the new year, as well as the details of Officers leading on the work.
The Deputy Leader acknowledged the emerging issue of more void properties requiring repair work. There was the potential for an urgent decision to be taken on the issue in the coming weeks. If the decision could not wait until full Council in February 2023, it would need to be taken by the Leader in consultation with the Chair of Policy Review or Scrutiny Committee. The Deputy Leader suggested that the Leader of the Opposition also be included in the deliberations. The Leader of the Opposition was firmly of the opinion that such a critical decision with long-term implications should be taken at an extraordinary meeting of the Council. The Deputy Leader went on to explain that a full housing stock survey was being undertaken and that the Council had a good reputation for the standard of repairs.
Members stressed the importance of housing repairs being undertaken for current tenants in a timely and efficient manner, particularly work on reported damp and mould. It was noted that there had been problems with recruitment of staff to carry out the repairs.
The Deputy Leader was asked how long the housing stock survey would take. The Deputy Leader expressed his willingness to work with Members on such matters and that he would raise problems with Officers directly should it be required. The stock survey was underway, and the mould report requested by central government was due for submission in January 2023.
Councillor Cliff Lunn, Lead Executive Member for Finance and Resources
The Lead Executive Member for Finance and Resources presented his update as outlined in the report.
There were no questions from Members.
Councillor David Buckle, Lead Executive Member for Communities and Economic Development
In Councillor Buckle’s absence the Leader of the Council presented the update as outlined in the report.
Members asked about worries regarding legacy projects in Sherburn that had been raised at the Council meeting on 27 September 2022. There were particular concerns relating to a specific project due to an associated planning application, and it was requested that an undertaking be given that it be discussed at the next meeting of the Executive.
The Leader responded and explained that he had met with Officers to talk about the project and the desire to deliver it. However, the project in question to build three bungalows was legally not as straight forward as had been hoped. It had been anticipated that Groundwork North Yorkshire would undertake the work, but the costs of the scheme were significant, some aspects of which had not been budgeted for. The Leader had asked Officers to look into the matter in more detail ready for further meetings, with a view to providing more information to Ward Councillors in the future.
The Leader of the Opposition enquired about funding from the Changing Places scheme. Monies from the scheme had been provided for toilets in other parts of the district, but Sherburn had not been included for such work which was needed at Sherburn Library; the Leader was asked why this was. The Leader clarified that the Changing Places scheme was very particular and that funding had been allocated very specifically for schemes in Selby and Tadcaster; as such, further funding for Sherburn was not available.
Councillor Tim Grogan, Lead Executive Member for Health and Culture
The Lead Executive Member for Health and Culture presented his update as outlined in the report.
The Executive Member reassured Members that he received regular updates from Enforcement Officers and thanked those staff Members in the Enforcement Team and Environmental Health for their hard work.
Members referred to the numbers provided for the total of three fines given to an individual for fly tipping a bed, mattress and set of drawers; these figures did not add up to the amount given in the update (£580) and should have been £531. The Executive Member acknowledged the error.
To receive and note the reports of the Executive.
Supporting documents:
- Executive Report: Councillor Mark Crane, Leader of the Council, item 36. PDF 387 KB
- Executive Report: Councillor Richard Musgrave, item 36. PDF 132 KB
- Executive Report: Councillor Cliff Lunn, item 36. PDF 207 KB
- Executive Report: Councillor David Buckle, item 36. PDF 299 KB
- Executive Report: Councillor Tim Grogan, item 36. PDF 163 KB