Agenda item

2021/1501/FUL - Caru, Beckfield Lane, Fairburn


Application: 2021/1501/FUL

Location: Caru, Beckfield Lane, Fairburn

Proposal: Erection of 1 No dwelling following demolition of existing garage.


The Senior Planning Officer presented the application which had been brought before the Planning Committee as more than 10 letters of representation have been received, including 10 letters of support. The letters raised material planning considerations and officers are recommending the application to be determined contrary to the 10 letters of support.


Members noted that the application was for the erection of 1 No dwelling following demolition of the existing garage.


The Committee questioned the Senior Planning Officer on the location of the residences of the objectors. They also noted that the site entrance was in use for the existing garage and asked how the proposed development would alter this use and for detail on why North Yorkshire County Council Highways had objected to the proposal.


The Senior Planning Officer showed the Committee the location of the objectors on the Site Location Plan. The Senior Planning Officer acknowledged the site entrance was currently in use but stated that this was not ideal due to limited visibility and that the proposal would mean the use of the entrance would be more intensive and exacerbate the risk. The Senior Planning Officer explained that North Yorkshire County Council Highways required 2 metre by 2 metre visibility splays for each parking space and they objected as this had not been achieved. The Senior Planning Officer displayed the area on Google Maps and Google Streetview at the request of the Members for further context.


Members sought clarification as to whether officers or North Yorkshire County Council Highways had contacted the Applicant regarding the objection and potential alterations to solve the issue. The Members also questioned the proximity of the dwellings of the objectors to the site and whether minimum standards were met.


The Senior Planning Officer stated that the Agent was aware there were objections from North Yorkshire County Council Highways but no alternative proposals had been received. The Senior Planning Officer explained there was no set guidance on minimum distances between developments but, as the site was 30 metres from the dwellings of the objectors, it was judged there would be no adverse impact on the objectors.


The Committee questioned the feasibility of the plan given the restrictions in size and the steep slopes and multiple levels of the site.


The Senior Planning Officer stated the development would have to comply with the plans which includes details of making the site level and usable.


Mr Gerald Swaby was in attendance to represent the Applicant and spoke in favour of the application.


Members debated the application and understood the requirement of the applicant for suitable housing but also stated the objection from North Yorkshire County Council Highways was a significant reason for refusal. Members also questioned the compliance of the proposal with Policy SP4 of the Selby District Local Plan.


The Committee supported the proposal in principle but stated the access issue would need to be resolved before anything could be approved. The Committee questioned whether the plan could be revised to concur with the 2m splay distance required by North Yorkshire County Council Highways.


The Senior Planning Officer stated that Planning Agent was aware of the objection from North Yorkshire County Council Highways but that the discussions during the application had been mainly about the principle of the development.


It was proposed and seconded that the application be DEFFERED to provide an opportunity for the Applicant and Agent to address the objections from North Yorkshire County Council Highways. A vote was taken on the Proposal and was carried.



That the application be DEFFERED.


Supporting documents: