Agenda item

2022/0534/FUL - Tamwood , Station Road, Riccall


Application: 2022/0534/FUL

Location: Tamwood, Station Road, Riccall

Proposal: Erection of 4 dwellings with associated garages/parking spaces and construction of access


The Principal Planning Officer presented the application which had been brought before Planning Committee at the request of the Head of Planning as the previous application was decided by Members and refused against Officer recommendation.


Members noted that the application sought outline approval for Erection of 4 dwellings with associated garages/parking spaces and construction of access.


Members noted the Officer Update Note which detailed amended plans that demonstrated emergency vehicles could now turn within the site. The Update Note confirmed the North Yorkshire County Council Highways Officer had no objection to the amended plans and set out the Amendment to Conditions and the new Conditions and Informatives recommended by the North Yorkshire Council Highways Officer.


The Committee stated that the Conservation Officer had concerns over the application due to the site being on the boundary with the Conservation Area and asked the Principal Planning Officer if they were satisfied the application was appropriate given the concerns.


The Principal Planning Officer confirmed that the site was on the boundary with the Conservation Area but was rejected for inclusion in it when the limits of the Conservation Area were last reviewed as it did not meet the requirements. The Principal Planning Officer stated she was satisfied the site was well screened to reduce the visual impact of the development and while the comments on the heritage asset had been taken into account, the National Planning Policy Framework required consideration of the benefit to the public. The Head of Planning agreed the concerns had been taken into consideration in detail in the report alongside the merits of the application to reach a recommendation.


The Committee asked for confirmation that comments from all interested parties had been considered on this application and former applications relating to this site.


The Principal Planning Officer confirmed there had been one objection to the current application regarding overdevelopment which had been addressed in the report and that previous comments on applications relating to the site were not considered as part of this application but had informed the development of the application to its current form.


Members questioned whether the trees marked for retention would be protected during the development. The Principal Planning Officer confirmed the Tree Officer had completed a Tree Impact Assessment and a Tree Survey and advised Selby District Council to apply for a Tree Protection Order for trees deemed high value. All works on site had been halted pending the outcome of the Tree Protection Order application and a condition on provision of tree protection prior to any works was detailed in the report. The Principal Planning Officer showed Members a presentation detailing which trees would be removed and which would be protected and confirmed this map detailing tree constraints formed part of the Tree Protection Order application.


Members noted previous applications relating to this site had received objections relating to overdevelopment and questioned if Officers were now satisfied with the spacing of buildings in the application. The Principal Planning Officer stated the proposal met the separation distance requirement measurements and that she was satisfied the density of dwellings proposed in the application was consistent with surrounding buildings.


The Architect Leo Tindall was in attendance and spoke in favour the application.


A Member of the Committee expressed concern regarding the impact of the proposed development on dwellings adjacent to the site and to Station Road and it was suggested a site visit would give the Committee an opportunity to better understand the application. A site visit was proposed, and a vote was taken but the Proposal fell.


Other Members noted the Committee had already visited the site and expressed there was sufficient detail in the report to form the recommendation.


It was proposed and seconded that the application be GRANTED subject to conditions. A vote was taken on the Proposal and was carried.



That the application be GRANTED subject to the conditions set out in paragraph 7 of the report and the details set out in the Officer Update Note.


Supporting documents: