Agenda item

2019/0559/FULM - Ibbotsons, Colton


Application: 2019/0559/FULM

Location: Ibbotsons, Colton, Tadcaster

Proposal: Use of agricultural buildings and land for the processing and storage of potatoes, erection of enlarged storage building following demolition of existing building, construction of internal roadway and footpath, construction of water tanks, excavation of lagoons, and construction of hardstanding.


The Principal Planning Officer presented the application which had been brought before Planning Committee at the request of Councillor Musgrave on the 12 January 2022. The application was deferred for further information, as detailed in the report, to be collected and evaluated as part of the scheme before being brought back to the Committee.


Members noted that the application was for the use of agricultural buildings and land for the processing and storage of potatoes, erection of enlarged storage building following demolition of existing building, construction of internal roadway and footpath, construction of water tanks, excavation of lagoons, and construction of hardstanding.


Members noted the Officer Update Note which provided an amended planning statement from the agent along with a spreadsheet of potato loads from 2021. The Officer Update Note also added an amendment to paragraph 2.18 of the report which summarised a further representation from Veritas Planning Ltd on behalf of Samuel Smith Old Brewery.


The Committee asked the Principal Planning Officer for details on the volume of traffic associated with the site.


The North Yorkshire County Council Highways Officer confirmed that the planning statement stated that in 2021 there were between 20 and 40 Heavy Goods Vehicle traffic movements associated with the site per day, but this had not been substantiated. The North Yorkshire Highways Officer noted the planning statement reported an increase in staff from 86 in 2021 to 106 in 2023 which indicated the data on Heavy Goods Vehicle movements from 2021 was no longer contemporaneous.


The Principal Planning Officer stated that no official traffic assessment had been received besides the amended planning statement and that no Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment had been received. The Principal Planning Officer clarified that the planning statement had not included data on traffic movements relating to the 106 members of staff based at the site.


The Committee asked for clarification on which developments besides the storage facility were included in this application.


The Principal Planning Officer confirmed that the water towers, internal road, footpath, hard surfaces, and lagoons were included in the application and required planning permission.


Democratic Services read a statement on behalf of objector to the proposal, Brian Percival.


Ward Councillor Richard Musgrave was in attendance and spoke against the application.


The Applicant, Christopher Kendall, attended the meeting remotely and spoke in favour of the application.


Members debated the application further stating that approval and appropriate conditions could not be considered without an up-to-date Transport Impact Assessment, Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment and other relevant information.


Concerns were also raised by the Committee on light pollution caused by the facility and the consequent effect on local wildlife.


It was proposed and seconded that the application be REFUSED. A vote was taken on the Proposal and was carried.



That the application be REFUSED.


Supporting documents: