Agenda item

2019/0458/OUTM - School Road, Hemingbrough


Councillor Topping left the room. Councillor Richardson took the Chair.


Application: 2019/0458/OUTM

Location: Land off School Road, Hemingbrough

Proposal: Outline application including access (all other matters reserved) for residential development for up to 40no custom built dwellings.


The Planning Project Officer presented the application which had been brought before the Planning Committee at the request of Councillor Arthur. The reasons given were that the land was outside the development limits of the village, the development would increase traffic in the village and increase pressure on the sustainability of the village, its facilities and infrastructure and that the development would harm residential amenity.


Members noted that the application was for the outline permission including access (all other matters reserved) for residential development for up to 40no custom built dwellings.


Members noted the Officer Update Note which gave a correction to paragraph 5.15 of the report and detailed 2 additional representations which gave further grounds of objection to those set out in the report and listed additional consultation responses received from North Yorkshire County Council Minerals and Waste, the Lead Local Flood Authority and the Landscape Architect.


Members asked for clarity on how following the Officer’s recommendation to refuse this application would affect the new proposed Local Plan set for adoption in 2024 given that development of the site was supported by Selby District Council in the Publication Draft of the new Plan.


The Head of Planning confirmed that the site was outside development limits according to the current Local Plan, adopted in 2013, but that the Council were currently preparing a new Local Plan for the District which will cover the period to 2040. The Head of Planning stated consultation on the Publication Draft had been undertaken and the Council was still analysing the representations received. The Head of Planning stated that this application site formed part of a wider residential allocation which had been identified as suitable for up to 123 dwellings in Hemingbrough under the Regulation 19 Consultation and that the Council would seek to ensure this allocation was developed comprehensively and in context with the relevant policies rather than in a piecemeal manner. The Head of Planning stressed that the emerging Local Plan was not yet finalised and that Members should make their decision on this application knowing that the proposed specifications for the proposed Local Plan were subject to change.


Democratic Services read a statement on behalf of objector to the proposal, Mrs Clare Gillard.


The Planning Agent, Jennifer Hubbard , was in attendance and spoke in favour of the application.


The Committee debated the application further questioning whether deferring the decision could lead to a change in circumstance where Officers would recommend the application be granted.


The Head of Planning stated that under the current Local Plan, adopted in 2013, it would be unlikely any deferral or amendment to the application would change the Officer recommendation stated in the report, but that the proposed new Local Plan for Selby District will continue to progress into the new Local Authority, North Yorkshire Council, and this position could change and the site be supported for development.


Members expressed support for the need for consultation on development of the site through the proper statutory processes involved in developing and ratifying the new proposed Local Plan. The Committee agreed the application was contrary to policies in the current Local Plan and given the significant scope of the plan could not be supported.


It was proposed and seconded that the application be REFUSED. A vote was taken on the Proposal and was carried.



That the application be REFUSED.


Supporting documents: