
Coronavirus impacted how the Council made decisions but the legislation which allowed Councils to take decisions remotely ended on 7 May 2021. Meetings are now in person once again and will continue to be streamed live.

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Decisions published

28/06/2019 - Extension of existing public conveniences contract ref: 193    Recommendations Approved

To confirm a 12 month extension of existing public conveniences contract.

Decision Maker: Head of Commissioning, Contracts & Procurement

Decision published: 28/06/2019

Effective from: 28/06/2019


To extend the current contract for public conveniences.

Lead officer: Keith Cadman

28/06/2019 - Award of contract for Olympia Park property and project management consultancy work ref: 192    Recommendations Approved

To award an 18 month contract for the provision of consultancy work.

Decision Maker: Director of Economic Regeneration and Place

Decision published: 28/06/2019

Effective from: 28/06/2019


To award the contract for Property and project management support for Olympia Park Development.


Lead officer: Dave Caulfield